Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, July 2, 2010

If you are willing to die for a cause, you must be prepared to kill for it, too.”

Albert Mohler reviews an article that just appeared in the London Times that is totally honest but totally chilling to the bone... in the callousness of the admission. She affirms that abortion is killing but calls it the lesser of two evils....and something that must be done to perserve the issue of feminism. This is the basis for Roe Vs. Wade, that the woman has dominion over the life in her womb and that her wishes take precedent over the child's right to exist.
Here are some excerpts....
"She takes the pro-choice side of the argument to task for the moral evasion and dishonesty of arguing against the fact that the fetus is a human life. “Any other conclusion is a convenient lie that we on the pro-choice side of the debate tell ourselves to make us feel better about the action of taking a life.”

" Yes, that fetus is a human life, she argues, but that life must yield to the inviolable feminist principle of abortion rights."You simply cannot “decouple feminism from abortion rights,” she insists, adding, “you cannot separate women’s rights from their right to fertility control.”
"Even as she admits that her position on the moral status of the unborn child has been utterly changed, she insists that her absolutist position on abortion rights has not. When it comes down to the right of the fetus to live versus the right of the mother to abort, the abortion right wins."

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