Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, July 8, 2010

West Seattle Summer Fest: First it was no it is yes abortion advocay booths..... but just one each please

 Interesting post from West Seattle re: their problems trying to run a family friendly summer fest. At first they said no pro life or abortion rights booths because of complaints and then this dictate caused a stir and so their new compromise is to allow one booth representing each side and they are hopeful this will resolve the issue.
I remember when I was in charge of the Pro Life Sunday at church and wanted children to do the white rose display which is a gentle but moving reminder of the number of lives lost to abortion since Roe V Wade. Children carry white roses to a cradle at the center of the stage and place the rose in the cradle while Brahm's Lullaby is being played. It is very moving. I had asked one family who adopted two children from another country to participate but they declined since they do not want their children to know about the horror of  abortion. I can understand that but I continue to struggle with hiding abortion because it is too awful to show or talk about.....but we allow it, promote it, legalize it, justify it.


Anonymous said...

Coincidence or did my comment prompt this post? Hmmm.....

It's not the "horrors" of abortion that I object the children witnessing (though I don't think young children should see photos of bloody surgeries and births either), but rather the using of children as political tools.

Susie said...

Just thought it was an interesting post and sign of the times....don't remember the comment you referred to but thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

You don't remember the comment? That's a good one Susie seeing as it's the only other one you had today!
