Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Carleton College in Canada practices viewpoint discrimination, denies pro life club recertification after 3 years

It looks like Carleton College in Canada may be rethinking their original idea to ban a pro life club that has been on campus for 3 years......they originally said no club that does not support abortion would not be welcome.

Pro life campus club at Carleton College in Ottawa has been denied status after 3 years due to their pro life viewpoints. Read the back story here.

"The club was notified of the denial of status via e-mail from Khaldoon A. Bushnaq, Vice-President of Internal Affairs for CUSA. The email states that Carleton Lifeline’s club constitution is in violation of CUSA’s Discrimination on Campus Policy, which expressly states that CUSA supports “a woman’s right to choose” and will not support any student group that holds a different viewpoint."
"There are two major issues at hand here,” stated Ruth Lobo, president of Carleton Lifeline. “First, is that we are being discriminated against because of our political and ideological values. Second, CUSA has taken our club status away in a way that has violated their own procedural policies regarding re-certification and decertification. We have been a club for 3 years, so why now?”


Anonymous said...

Please change your post to reflect this is Carleton University in Canada, not to be confused with Carleton College in Northfield, Minn. Thanks.

Susie Allen said...

Good point. Thanks. I bet that headline gave you a start.
