Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pro Abortion Cohen compares Repeal of Obamacare to Holocaust....selective reasoning for TN Rep.

Hot Air tells of  Rep. Steve Cohen (D) TN-representing Memphis who is vying for the title of saying the most outrageous things since Rep. Grayson has been voted out of office. He gave the infamous speech to an empty House chamber but the attention grabbing rep knew that his comments would eventually get picked up. ABC was  the first to note them. Since Cohen is Jewish I guess  this gives him free license to invoke the Holocaust and compare it  to the repeal of Obamacare. Quite a stretch but Cohen never let facts get in the way of a good attention getting  speech. I remember him well from when he was in the state legislature. He is the darling of the far left and hold a 100% rating with NARAL.  He never met  a piece of pro abortion legislation that he did not approve of. Funny, he never sees a connection between abortion and the Holocaust.  I suspect that the Dems know they can count on Cohen to be the "bomb thrower" and they stay out of the room so as not to have cameras note their response to his comments. Now they are strangely silent.
From Hot Air some good observations:
Steve Cohen (D-TN) has merely updated his repertoire on his attacks against the Tea Party and Republicans. Nine months ago, they were the Klan with better fashion sense; now they’re Nazis using the tactics of Josef Goebbels. One might think being the target of a nasty anti-semitic slur and compared to a Klansman himself (by a fellow Democrat in his home district) might have taught Cohen a lesson in civility before the New Tone became the new Ugg Boots on Capitol Hill, but alas, as readers can see for themselves, Cohen still suffers from his chronic case of cerebral-rectalitis.
Surely Memphis can do better.

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