Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, January 21, 2011

(Prolifer)ations 1-21-11

from Jill

Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email
  • Big Blue Wave found silence after searching pro-abort blogs for comment on the Gosnell case, save the Abortion Gang blog, which managed to pin the blame on pro-lifers for stigmatizing abortion. Some commenters even suggested that the mothers would have committed infanticide against these babies if Gosnell had not done the deed for them.
  • Accepting Abundance examines the word games of abortion advocates.
  • Albert Mohler discusses the inconsistency of outrage over sex-selection abortion in a society which accepts abortion for nearly any reason.
  • The FRC Blog has a post examining the pro-life viewpoints of many founding fathers and presidents.
  • Catholic Vote takes exception to opinion columnist Michael Kinsley’s statement that the Catholic Church is “one of the main impediments” to finding cures through embryonic stem-cell research.
  • Ethika Politika dissects the words of Justice Scalia in his dissent of the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision.
  • Jess Clark at Moral Outcry shares some thoughts about the open adoption of her youngest son, Tristan, and a visit with Tristan’s birth family.
  • Generations for Life announces the upcoming Teen Speak 2011 with special guest speaker Linda Couri, a former Planned Parenthood worker.

1 comment:

Jack Reylan said...

The Chinese Art of War is by stealth. The bogus swine flu pandemic is being used to inject nanoparticle monitoring chips (made from aborted babies) which also have the ability to dissuade patriots from religious belief. Designed by Chaoyang geneticists, they will be used to make the white race servile and sterile while creating a front for our occupation by Chinese drones, disguised as health workers. China has just started using biologically cloned humanoid drones in its factories and military to counter population aging from one child policy. This biocloning was started by Tong Dizhou in the early 1990s to produce star athletes and organ parts but was later taken up by the PLA military. The clones are grown in the wombs of slave women from allied African dictators and have been known to appear on American soil as illegal workers. These illegal workers have special implant chips which relay data obtained from Chinese spyware in our televisions and computers to be used to supress Americans opposed to Chinese hegemony. They are also used in special calculator chips that allow Chinese to cheat on standardized exams by having a committee work on the exam at the same time. Food and Drug Administration investigators say the Chinese spiked pet food with melamine so that they would appear in tests to have more value as protein products. They sell drywall which emit suflide fumes! Given their blatant disregard for American safey in products they sell, because they don't care if we stay alive after we enrich them, it is worrisome that these clones have not been adequately tested for potential disease transmission. Why aren't anti-American professulas who were hawking phoney Japanese "quality" complaining about their fellow reds in China? China has always believed in war by stealth, in avoid open conflict, stabbing you in the back while full of smiles. When they found they nature ninnies willing to buy up poisonous herbs as dietary supplements, they decided to sell more wholesale poisons as well!
