Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, February 4, 2011 editorial says just one lousy employee ...but does catch the bribe element to the story

This editorial from is beyond ridiculous. It reads like a sophomoric letter to the editor from someone from the abortion industry but is out there as an editorial opinion. Fact check is never even on the radar screen as the commenters take the piece to task. They call their piece just one lousy this is an isolated incident of one incompetent employee. Ya, and she is  the director of the second largest PP clinic in NJ. What are the odds that every time Live Action goes into a PP clinic in 11 states, they get the one bad apple. Amazing... they should take their skill  to Vegas! 

They also point out that PP immediately fired the employee. Not so fast. First they called Live Action a hoax and then they said that the video was heavily edited and  then fired her .....over a hoax and heavily edited video !!  I suppose when she immediately reported  the incident she confessed to her outrageous comments.  I would love to see her personnel file. I doubt she was hired as the director...she probably was promoted due to her "bottom line" results only  tactics. Ask Abby Johnson....we need more abortions to add to the bottom line mentality. 

But I do give them credit for one thing that seems to be missing in the "cover up" reporting...  they do catch that Ms. Woodruff is not insulted by the suggestion of a bribe to "streamline" their services. No one else seems  to be picking up on that. She actually gives the person she thinks is a pimp dealing with illegal young girls in prostitution a business card and writes her private cell number on it. So much for the excuse some MSM outlets are saying that she feared for her life if she confronted them!  Ya, I sure would give my cell out those  who frightened me.

"That’s silly. Here’s what the video proves: One Planned Parenthood employee, immediately fired, is a dope. She fell for the ol’ pimp-and-prostitute gotcha-video sting, inappropriately coached Willie Dynamite and his woman on how to lie to obtain services and, by the end of the video, appears to be looking for a bribe."

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