Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Saturday, February 5, 2011

Utah Lawmaker Aims To Up Abortion Clinic Checks and protect conscience clause....PP objects

Utah which is known for a low abortion rate wants to assure introduces a bill that PP objects to

These  are basically some commonsense protections for the health and well being of the woman who do seek abortions by having clinic inspections at least twice  a year  and also provide some protections for the health care professionals who do not want to perform abortions against their conscience. 

But of course who is opposing guessed it. Planned Parenthood. Currently in Utah, abortion clinics are inspected every two to three years or upon receiving a complaint.  The legislator noted that clinics have not been inspected since 2008 and upon hearing the horrible details of the Gosnell House of Horrors in PA became concerned that politics played a role in the ceasing of clinic inspections. 
"The goal of the increased inspections is to make sure that abortion clinics are complying with the laws that we've put in place, said Wimmer..."

No says PP, they are singling out procedures involving women only when there are more dangerous procedures for men and women. Give me a break!  

Here is another duh moment. Critics of the conscience clause protest that" such a law would take too much power away from abortion clinics by allowing anti-abortion doctors to stay on aboard and prevent the facilities from operating effectively." Well here is a news flash for you. Pro life docs don't go to work in abortion clinics. As the legislator who drafted the bill states, this is to protect drs. who go to work in a hospital that does not do abortions and then the management changes and abortions are performed there. This would not force them to violate their conscience to keep their job.

PP does not try to make sense. It is an industry and anything that interferes with the bottom line will be attacked.

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