Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cafe Mom: Proud of the kids in the video supporting PP stating...I have sex

 Cafe Mom says:
"They're three of the scariest words a teenager can say to a parent. But a video of teenagers (and young adults) proclaiming "I Have Sex" is proof that parents are doing their jobs. Our kids really are all right. "
" I'm proud of them because I was once one of them."
She applauds the video made to protest the defunding push for PP...says she would be proud to call any of these kids her own.....and reading the comments many of those who follow her agree.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. This is what we need. Americans have a higher rate of unintended and teen pregancies than other countries. Other countries with a low rate aren't having teen sex less. They are just more realisitic and open about it. And yes, accepting of it. And the expectation is clear that teens must be reponsible when having sex and use birth control properly and consistently.

I think this country would do well for teens to be more open about what they are doing, just as these teens in the video are. That's hard to do though if their parents can't accept the reality. Even if it was their own reality.... which is most likely the case.

Anonymous said...

Ssusie your comment over on Stanek's blog shows an unawareness of reality:

"You know here is another thing….many employers will see such videos and decide not to hire them. Honest! Many companies look on Facebook and other stuff to decide on hiring decisions."

You honestly think that someone would not hire someone because they were having sex before marriage? Or that they were in their teens or twenties? Or that they were honest about it?

According to Guttmacher, sex before marriage is pretty much universal and has been for decades: 95% have sex before marriage. By their late teens, 3/4 of men and women have had sex. The average age for first intercourse is 17.

Why in the world would you think this video would come between one of the participants and a job? Unless you are referring to a job with a pro-life group, in which case lol, these people couldn't care less about a job like that.

Sorry to sound harsh, but I think you need a reality check!

Susie Allen said...

Now I disagree with you based on 25 years experience in Human Resources and none of it was with non profit or Christian or pro life organizations. Also, my daughter currently is HRD for a business that is actually run by people who are not only not Christians but opposed to Christianity. They also look at facebook and would not interview these people because making these videos showed poor taste and lack of judgment as well as immaturity. Their concern is not what they do in their private life...they could care less but putting these videos would have cost them consideration for potential jobs.

Anonymous said...

Poor taste? Lack of judgement? Immaturity?????? Excuse me? In what way could these older teens and young adults be showing any of these things by participating in this video? You and your daughter aside, the vast majority of people wouldn't find it surprising that these potential employees are having sex. Nor that they would announce it to make the point that PP should be supported. And it certainly wouldn't stop most people from hiring them. If it did, they probably wouldn't want to work for that person anyone. That's the reality Susie.
