Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CALL TO ACTION for Knox County TN Parents & Citizens

Read the back story here and here about Planned Parenthood and the parents of Knox county, TN.

This past Friday, the Knox County Schools announced that, effective next school year, all sexual health instruction will be provided by Knox County teachers or the Knox County Health Department.  While we are thankful that Planned Parenthood has been removed from direct contact with students in our Knox County classrooms, we remain deeply concerned about their continuing influence on Knox County students.  

Planned Parenthood is rallying their supporters to attend tomorrow's school board meeting to protest their removal from the list of approved providers.  To that end, and because of the following concerns, we ask you to please attend the board meeting.  A strong showing from our supporters is important.  You are encouraged to get there as early as possible to insure you get a seat in the room. 

Meeting Details
City-County Building's Main Assembly Room 
400 Main Street (Downtown)
Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:00pm 

The community forum is at the end of the Board's scheduled business session.

Among the issues to be discussed:

1)  Dr. McIntyre's review committee said that the content of Planned Parenthood's websites was inappropriate for students, but Dr. McIntyre indicated that Planned Parenthood would be allowed to continue through the end of the year, so as not to inconvenience teachers.  If Planned Parenthood's web content is inappropriate, then our children should not be exposed to their ideology for the reminder of the year.  Surely this is worth a little inconvenience for our teachers.

2)  Planned Parenthood provides professional development training for Health and Wellness teachers across the state of Tennessee.  Allowing teachers to participate in such training, perhaps at school system expense, gives Planned Parenthood a continuing advocate in our classrooms.  A number of parents have asked teachers and principals to disclose whether or not they have participated in such training, but have been met with stonewalling.  If Planned Parenthood isn't fit to teach our students, then they aren't suitable to train those who DO teach our students. 

3)  With outside groups, including abstinence educators, now prohibited from teaching in these classes, what curriculum will be utilized and what materials and references will be provided for students?  Will there be uniformity to these lessons across the entire Knox County School system?  Who will design the curriculum?  Will teachers be permitted to utilize Planned Parenthood's curriculum or materials, which give a very dim view of abstinence?  When and how will the administration make new curriculum available for public review and comment?

Again, your presence at this meeting will go a long way toward letting our administration know that we take this matter seriously.  Take this opportunity to TAKE A STAND for the youth of our community and the future of our culture!

Join our Facebook group to get updates and sign the petition against Planned Parenthood.  Or, visit the NoKnoxvilleAbortion website for more info or to sign the petition. 

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