Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, March 21, 2011

CNN: 'Baby Joseph' receives tracheotomy at St. Louis hospital

CNN reports the long awaited tracheotomy for Baby Joseph is finally received today.
"Joseph will remain in the intensive care unit for seven to 10 days and then head to Ranken Jordan, a pediatric specialty hospital in St. Louis, before being discharged and transported to his family home in Windsor, Ontario.'


Anonymous said...

Great. So surgery and then transfer to another hospital and then finally home to die there in his family's arms.... something the hospital in London had agreed to before Priests for Life went to all this expense.

The point?

Susie Allen said...

Now that is not the case. The parents had asked for a trach and send him home for their care until he dies. They understood he was terminal.
The Canadian hospital refused the trach. If they had done the trach, there would have been no fight. They declared Joseph a futile care case and wanted to remove the vent. causing death within minutes.

This has turned into a case of national pride and fight over universal healthcare as well as a fight over parental wishes over the state.

Anonymous said...

Susie, perhaps you are unaware that the hospital in London had offered to take the child home under physician care to die at home.

"This has turned into a case of national pride and fight over universal healthcare as well as a fight over parental wishes over the state."

It has indeed turned into a case of politicing and shame on Priests for Life and others for doing so.

As for the parental wishes: the esteemed medical team in London concluded that the tracheotomy would cause undue suffering and offer nothing in return. The courts upheld this decision. It's most unfortunate that the parents would have their child suffer further rather than accept the sad truth. And shameful that Fr. Pavone taking advantage of that, use this child and waste resources that are needed by children who do have a chance.

Anonymous said...

Susie, here's something you should read from the Calgary Sun:
