Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Talking points and facebook replaces journalism at Tennessean...

The Tennessean ran a puff piece today complete with talking points from  Jeff Teague, the CEO of Middle and East TN Planned Parenthood. I always heard that reporters were lazy and rejected that notion, but today I am rethinking that. Jessica Bliss, the reporter or the "I was told to write the story"  answered the phone.  I told her I  called to ask some  questions about sooooo many things in her article that showed that she regurgitated basic talking points given to her and that with just  a little checking on her part even from  PP's own  research and reporting  Guttmacher Institute,   she could have presented a balanced article.  Well hey, she probably thought this is an easy gig and what have you got against an easy assignment??
Especially interesting was when I asked her if she had heard anything about the widespread scandal  of PP spanning 11 states including TN that was at least partially responsible for the defunding push.
 She said she had heard something about it but not viewed any of the videos. She seemed unaware of this defunding push. I also asked why she posted a pix of recent walk for choice and no coverage of the protest on Valentine's Day at PP. She was unaware of that. Now  that is not her fault. The media release that went to the Tennessean  who as always ignores it.  Hey they don't even cover the large annual Rally for Life.
I asked her how she found people to give an opposing opinion to the PP talking points and she said off of Facebook. Okay?? independent  research?? digging for the discussing it with anyone who may have this information readily available because they follow this closely?? Just the talking points and Facebook!!?? Duh??? Journalism used to be mean so much more...

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