Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, April 18, 2011

TN:Senator Roy Herron loses fight against important pro life amendment

"Be Not Confused. Be Not Misled." 

This senator is NOT PRO LIFE. I am so sick of his story telling. Instead of being a stand up person who admits  they are pro choice he pretends to be pro life and only interested in changing the language of SJR 127 .It has taken 11 years to get this far so his his amendment   to change the language would  make this amendment have to start  all over again. That is his real agenda. As a lawyer, he knows that his  language  would not pass legal scrutiny unless the constiution is changed. 

He always tells the story of his wife's pregnancy with twins. He has been forced to change it since he started inferring that his wife's life was in danger when she was carrying the twins.  He admitted to me when I confronted him on the issue that she was not in danger but the twins lives that was in danger.  Tonight he said that the doctor twice advised abortion because the twins might not make it. Wow! You think your twins might die so you decide to kill them first!! 

Senator Herron, the storyteller, goes off on tangents talking about high risk pregnancies and girls being raped and he knows full well that this has nothing to do with SJR 127 but that is the way he operates....telling stories until you forget what the question is in the first place.

Senator Roy Herron, be not confused, be not misled. This is a pro abortion senator from Dresden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's not prolife because he thinks abortion should be allowed in some cases? Well, I'd say that's correct. So why would you say that's not a problem when looking at Gallup polls?
