Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

YOEST & FRANZONELLO: Nation’s largest abortion provider: Planned Parenthood

 Great editorial on the issue of Planned Parenthood.... they keep running from the truth but we keep reminding them of the facts.

Planned Parenthood always has been selectively proud of its abortion affiliation. But throughout the congressional debate over its funding, Planned Parenthood has worked hard to keep under wraps the fact that it is increasingly synonymous with abortion.
Since 1970, Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the abortion business has grown tremendously. With each passing year, it performs more abortions, even though the national abortion rate has declined steadily since 1990. Today, Planned Parenthood performs and profits from one in every four abortions in the United States.
There was a time when Planned Parenthood did not advocate abortion. In a 1952 brochure on birth control, Planned Parenthood responds to the question “Is it an abortion?” with the following answer: “Definitely not. An abortion requires an operation. It kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want to have a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely postpones the beginning of life.”
However, during the tenure of Dr. Alan Guttmacher, who was Planned Parenthood’s president from 1962 to 1974, the organization experienced its “abortion-defining moment.” Planned Parenthood went from warning women about the dangers of abortion to being among the first to eagerly profit from its legalization.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susie, do we really need to remind you how dangerous abortion was back when that was written? Before it could be done legally by qualified providers in clean conditions?
