Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Canadian libertarian viewpoints of's all about ME!!

Nonsense that makes it into print would be this column by Ron Brown who describes himself as an agnostic atheist....I guess that is someone who does not believe but is not sure about it. His bio lists his educational endeavors and says  that he was a former teacher in South Korea and finishing his master's degree with the hopes of working with stroke and brain injured individuals. I would hate for him to be a therapist on me or a loved one given his thought process.

His article is in defense of abortion and is filled with his viewpoints from the view of the fetus...
It is quick and they won't know what hit them and after their dead..who cares. If they do feel fear at the moment of dismemberment...

"infants momentary fear over the 9 months of unwanted pregnancy of the mother, and the disruption to the life of both parents and their families?"
View of the parents...which he calls accidental parents as though they had no action to bring about the pregnancy. It is further his view that there is no reason to continue the pregnancy when abortion is quick and easy. He goes on to argue that the developing baby in the womb is an unwelcome intruder or parasite and we have means to get rid of the parasite conveniently using language to dehumanize the life in the womb. He ends by callously stating that the wishes of the accidental parents trump anyway.

View of Society....the fetus has not had the opportunity to develop social networks so no one will be inconvenienced by their loss.
"Why should we actively oppose people’s ability to have consensual sexual pleasure, and to punish the unlucky people, out of consideration for the (for all practical purposes) non-existent feelings of fetus, and out of consideration for the loss of life that the fetus will never know about anyway? Why should we prioritize unfelt feelings and unexperienced loss over the happiness and freedom from suffering of those who will experience such positive and negative emotional states."
His blog is called Death by Trolley....Want, do, rationalize, Repeat. 

I guess that is his life philosophy....

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