Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Knoxville:Framing Choice | Pro-lifers promote Planned Parenthood event.

Never shy, Fletcher Armstrong uses any and all opportunities to showcase what Planned Parenthood is all about...abortion. 

So when Planned Parenthood, who is working hard to re brand themselves in his hometown of Knoxville with a " This is what choice means to me" outdoor educational event, he answers their call for help.He shows up with his graphic pictures of "Choice"   to show what choice looks like from the viewpoint of the victim. 

Drats...hate it when the truth intervenes with the agenda.

"A dozen of us stood in a semi-circle facing the stage, surrounded on both sides of the Square by diners enjoying a First Friday meal at the many restaurants. Since we were toward the front of the Square and not facing them, the diners appeared to pay little heed. Two of our party stood with their backs to the stage holding a long banner, announcing to those entering the Square from the opposite direction, “Planned Parenthood: the Largest Abortion Provider in the USA.” I think PP should be glad we were there to announce it was a PP event, for they had no signage of their own. No banner proudly heralding their name, no bold identifier … just a humble grey tri-fold display board with the PP logo at the bottom. A few people wandered through the exhibit, never realizing it was a PP event. Why so shy? How popular is that brand, anyway?"
"...All in all, I hope PP appreciated our taking the opportunity to “share in that experience.” Anytime they need a banner to herald their name, we’ll be glad to bring one."

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