Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, August 22, 2011

Say it isn't so...Joe... no issue with China's one child policy

Update: The Administration is trying to explain that Joe did not mean what he said in China  about China's one child policy because  Biden and his boss truly oppose the policy that results in forced abortions, gender selection  and sterilizations. 

This is the man that is one heartbeat away from being president!  Well if you cannot trust him to go alone on a trip abroad...keep Joe home and muzzled.

I suggest that he and Obama who are showing  their pro abortion allegiance.  Life News points out "
"The speech represents a second missed opportunity for the Obama administration to present a clear position against the policy that is one of the most egregious global human rights abuses in modern times.
Biden’s comments follow a visit earlier this year from China President Hu Jintao, where President Barack Obama apparently failed to ask the foreign leader about the problem of forced abortions on Chinese women. Ask during a U.S. House hearing, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton couldn’t say whether Obama brought up the massive human rights abuse millions of Chinese women endure if they break the country’s one-child family planning rules."

Forced abortions, sterilizations, gender abortion problem for Vice President Joe Biden. He will not second guess their policy  or condemn it. Hey it is all about the economics, right? Disgraceful!

"Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I’m not second-guessing — of one child per family."
Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America had some straight talk for Joe:

“Vice President Biden’s approval of China’s one-child policy, which uses forced abortion to enforce the law, crosses the lines of ignorant and wrong. Then to suggest that the United States should learn from China’s policy, like forcing its citizens to have only one child, to help manage debt, is an insult to the basic American values of life and liberty,” Nance said. “Also, Concerned Women for America wants to know if Biden’s position is the official administration’s stance on the one-child policy in China.”
Photo: Daily Caller

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