Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

AZ PP feels picked on....must do SOP for good medicine

PP of AZ is complaining that they are a health care provider and not a law firm and they are not awash in resources . They will not appeal the decision of the state court that denied their appeal to stop the law enacted by the elected  legislators and signed by the governor from going into effect on Sept 12th.  Beside, PP CEO, Bryan Howard  admits their case is not strong.

They whine and complain that they are being singled out and picked on. You bet PP! You have made a mockery of  the laws and outright thumbed your nose at health care  in  the interest of the bottom line. Abortions are a profitable business. Now let's see what is so unrealistic in the new regs.

- Requiring a woman seeking an abortion to meet in person with a doctor 24 hours before the     scheduled abortion. ( Used to be a voice on the phone of a nurse reading a script or worse yet a recording.)
- Allowing only physicians to perform first-trimester surgical abortions.( N/P used to do these)
- Requiring that parental consent for minors seeking an abortion be notarized. (widespread  past abuse of having boyfriends  (wink wink) etc sign as a parent in a CYA attempt to verify validity of signature of parent.)
- Allowing health-care workers, including pharmacists, to decline to provide information or access to abortion, emergency contraception or birth control based on their personal beliefs. (No explanation should be needed here)
Singled out.....let's see. I went in for  a colonoscopy. Let's compare. Yes, I met the doctor prior to the procedure to explain the procedure, risks and answer any questions/concerns. I signed for the procedure after informed consent. I am obviously not a minor but had the procedure been done on one of my children I would have been required to sign a consent and  required to show proof of authority to do so. The doctor certainly not allow my daughter's boyfriend or friend to sign without showing proof that they were her parent or guardian. Yes, the doctor did the procedure.  No one in the health care profession would have been required by force of termination to do assist with a colonoscopy against their conscience. 

Only in abortions do organization such as PP get incensed at informed consent from the dr. or  requiring an invasive surgical procedure to actually be done by licensed physician, requiring parental signatures to really be parents and allowing for a conscience clause.
" Planned Parenthood eliminated abortion services in 10 clinics and now offers abortions only in its Glendale, Tempe and Tucson clinics." 
That's the real rub here. PP operates on the less is more philosophy....less concern  for the woman results in more $$.  Practicing good medicine reduces their  bottom line....but then medicine was intended to heal not to destroy as in  First do no harm.....

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