Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert.
I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .
Audacity reprints an article that originally appeared in 2002 but is
still relevant. You might think this is a tongue in cheek spoof except it
isn't. What were the feminists doing on the night before the 911 attacks?
Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services was meeting in the
Pentagon to discuss breastfeeding, how to enforce gender neutral usage
warrior terminology, uniforms with maternity tops and recruiting slogans such
as " A gynecologist on every aircraft carrier!" The
article suggests that the military is not a law firm or country club that
needs to be integrated.
They bring up a good point....can we go to far with political correctness and gender equality. There are non combat jobs in the military but are women physically built for combat and does their gender give them an equal opportunity to survive the battle and what about the men who depend on their "fellow soldiers" for their survival??
My grandson's football team faced a team that included one girl. One player hit her and when he was told he just took down a girl he was horrified.
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