from Jill

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- ProLifeBlogs links to Pro-Life in TN’s post regarding the rerouting of Shelby County’s Title X funding from Planned Parenthood to Christ Community Health Services, a non-profit health service provider which does not perform or refer for abortion. Before this passed, an attempt by yet unnamed TN legislators to restore money to PP ultimately failed. This ends “a decade long practice of automatically funneling this $$ to PP.” Persistence pays off for life.
- Suzy B remarks on the Obama administration’s disregard for states’ rights, as this week it bailed out Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire (to the tune of $1M) after it was defunded by the state. The only thing PP provides that NH programs currently do not? Abortion.

- Pro-Life Wisconsin discusses Milwaukee’s new “Strong Baby Campaign” to fight the high infant death rate among African-American babies, ignoring the obvious connection to abortion. PLW notes:
Black infants were 3 times more likely to die than white infants
[black infants are 3 times more likely to be aborted as well]…. One of
the causes of infant death is preterm delivery. Abortions increase the
risk of low birth weight in future pregnancies by a factor of 3, and of
premature birth by a factor of 2.
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (pictured above left), a pro-abortion Catholic, is endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood. - ProWomanProLife links to a study on a failed chemical abortion’s adverse effects on a surviving child. The child’s mother had an RU-486 abortion, which failed, and she later opted to continue the pregnancy rather than have a surgical abortion:
And lest there be any confusion on the matter, this abortion
survivor is a person too, fully human and fully loved, even with some
disabilities. I’m sadly quite sure that the report offers this advice in
order that some women should choose to get the job done right, once and
for all.
The abortion industry has a double dip opportunity when a chemical abortion fails to kill the baby, as a surgical abortion is the next option recommended. - Secular ProLife promotes the Life Matters Journal, a new publication that presents excellent articles on things like “family planning, war, the 2012 presidential candidates, fetal pain legislation, and capital punishment.”
- At Priests for Life, Alveda King writes about the upcoming “Redeem the Dream” dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial scheduled for October 16.
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