Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, October 31, 2011

Feministing: Minors must have full access to abortions...decries parental involvement and judicial bypass....

Feministing has many complaints today. Among those complaints is that minors MUST have full access to abortions and the idea that having any parental involvement with this life altering decision may result in slowing down  an abortion decision is  abhorrent. The only one that should have access to the minor is the $$ abortion industry.
Their second complaint is the  judicial bypass for those bad states requiring parental notification. This is intended to be  an end run around the parent issue. Some judges may give information to the minor so that she is aware of all her options. SHRIEK!!   And guess what else might happen is that the judge might actually use his/her discretion and say NO to the minor! She  must actually consult her parents.
"In my home state of Ohio, a minor must obtain a court order from a judge, stating that she has enough information and is mature enough to make her own decision regarding abortion, or that the abortion is in her best interest."
What a novel idea! Beware judge shopping may be needed here!
The women in the story had to travel to another city to meet with a judge about her judicial bypass, because the judge in her home town was known to be anti-choice. Also while trying to obtain her judicial bypass, she was given a manila envelope full of anti-choice literature, including misleading information about abortion and pregnancy. She was lucky to have a compassionate judge to meet with, and access to money and a car to drive out of town to meet with her."
Hmmm I wonder if the person driving this minor is the perpetrator of statutory rape who need his identity and age to remain unreported.  PP has shown a willingness to help in that category. Check out Live to watch all the videos.

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