Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Groupon features Planned Parenthood as Deal of the Day...... Don't buy it!!

Pro Life Wisconsin spots this on Groupon

Today, Groupon featured Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin as one of its deals.
Guess that answers the pro-abortion/pro-life question regarding Groupon and its founder.
The premise for the so-called deal? “If 48 People Donate $10, Then Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Can Fund Cancer Screenings for Eight Women.”

So really, you don’t get anything in return, only the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that a woman (your sister? friend? cousin? spouse? neighbor? co-worker?) will be receiving a cancer screening while an abortion is performed in the next room.

But wait… aren’t taxpayers already funding those cancer screenings? PPWI receives $18 million in federal and state taxpayer funding annually; since taxpayer funds can’t pay for abortions, all that taxpayer money is allocated for other “services.” In the budget signed this year, PPWI did lose approximately $1 million in funding; but it is still receiving millions and millions in Title X funding, which DOES provide funding for cancer screening.

So who’s checking to make sure that PPWI uses its money as allocated?
We know PPWI performed 612 less abortions in 2010 than 2009. Given the huge profit margin made from performing abortions, is PPWI looking to recoup some lost money?
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is the state’s largest abortion provider, accounting for 4,827 of Wisconsin’s 7,825 abortions in 2010. Live Action has caught PPWI on video giving misleading medical information and covering up statutory rape

If you are a Groupon customer and disagree with Groupon directing donations to Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, contact Groupon via email:
or call Customer Service at (877) 788-7858, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm CST.

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