from Jill

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- Don’t tell NARAL or Planned Parenthood, but John Smeaton reports the British Department of Health is admitting that cuts to contraceptive access has had no effect on the conception or abortion rate in the UK.
- Women’s Rights Without Frontiers reports that imprisoned Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng is seriously ill and has collapsed. He and his family were also prevented from attending the funeral of his elder brother, who passed away in January.

- The Passionate Pro-Lifer writes about the plight of Iranian Christian pastor Yosef Nadarkhani (pictured left), who has been charged with apostasy against Islam, a crime punishable by death. Please pray for this pastor and his family, and contact your congressmen to support HR 556, condemning the Iranian government for its treatment of Pastor Nadarkhani.
- Moral Outcry describes the increasing desire to limit family size – not in China, but here in America. Obama administration senior science advisor John Holdren is a population control advocate who claims children from large families have lower I.Q.’s (wouldn’t the Kennedys be shocked?) and who believes governments should make laws to help limit family size. Obviously Holdren hasn’t spoken to the Russian government lately, where they are seeking to increase family size due to a demographic winter.
- Secular Pro Life shares with us an email survey from Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which seeks to gauge attitudes about the recent Planned Parenthood controversy. Too little too late? Is PP wrong in thinking this is a settled issue?

- Human Life Matters posts a remarkable story by Dr. Dianne Irving, on her research into the human experimentation of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele (pictured right). The same utilitarian reasoning for his experimentation is the same one given today: “Well, they are going to die anyway, so we might as well get some good out of them.”
- Andrea Mrozek of ProWomanProLife says if she could choose to be any animal, she’d be a dolphin, since she would have people campaigning for her rights to “personhood.”
- Mommy Life publicizes the Human Life Foundation’s first pro-life essay contest for college students. First prize is $1,000.
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