by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
Reggie Littlejohn of Women’s Rights without Frontiers addresses claims that China’s one-child policy has ended as “false.” This is the 33rd anniversary of the barbaric policy.
Politico is claiming that the pink running shoes-wearing, peace sign-waving, late-term abortion defender from Texas, State Senator Wendy Davis, intends to run for governor next year: State and national Democrats have wooed Davis over the past few months for the uphill campaign against Republican state Attorney General Greg Abbott, the presumptive GOP gubernatorial nominee.
Secular Pro-Life has some volunteer opportunities, as well as one paid part-time opening. See the link for details.
Stand True discusses the upcoming Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, which was birthed in 2004 by students who asked what they could do help end abortion. Register for this year’s event on Tuesday, Oct 15th at silentday.org.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life are closely watching the abortion front in Finland:
Nearly a quarter of all Minnesotans can trace Finnish ancestry in their heritage and 23 percent are Lutherans in faith….
Earlier this summer Dr. Rasanen, who is also head of the Christian Democratic Party in Finland, caused a stir in Europe when she boldly used a speech at a Lutheran Church conference to call for a discussion on abortion in her country. In her speech she highlighted the fact that Finland and Sweden are the only two western European countries that do not allow health care workers the right to refuse to participate in an abortion. Dr. Rasanen also noted that Finnish law provides that animals must be slaughtered painlessly, but unborn human beings have no protections from the excruciating pain of an abortion.

Life News notes that a recent Jezebel article titled “I Help Desperate Women and I could go to Jail for It” lauds the fact that an unlicensed, untrained illegal abortionist in America acts like the “reproductive rights fairy,” doling out chemical abortion pills by mail. The criminal writes:
I send women what I can — misoprostol, or mifepristone/misoprostol in combination when I have some stocked. I know, when I do it, that it could be a devil’s bargain — that this could be the envelope that gets traced back to me. This could be the one that lands me in prison. Or, even worse, it could be the one that kills someone. The abortion drugs rarely cause major complications (less often than birth), but they do happen. I don’t know what I would do with that on my conscience. I haven’t had to find out yet.
The Lost Generation discusses some of the reasons women will choose abortion… fear of rejection:
Often, women choose abortion because they are convinced they will be alone if they do not. They believe that their parents will reject them and throw them out. They believe their boyfriend or husband will leave them. They believe their friends will scorn them or make fun of them. They believe they will become an outcast in their family, at school, or in society. They fear loneliness and rejection, but in their fear, they do not realize that abortion itself is the ultimate loneliness.