Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, November 15, 2013

Pro-life blog buzz 11-15-13

from:Jill Stanek

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

Clinic Quotes shares an admission from the pro-choice side regarding post-abortion trauma:
Rosemary Candelario, director of Massachusetts Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, on why pro-choice groups often claim that abortion does not contribute to emotional trauma for women:

“I think the fear in the [abortion rights] movement is if we admit abortion is hard for some women, then we’re admitting that it’s wrong, which is totally not the case. I’ve heard from women who are having problems dealing with their abortion who are still ardently pro-choice.”

Down on the Pharm discusses the latest sexual research which shows how women (surprise!) don’t actually benefit in any way from casual sex.

Funny… that’s not what the latest (and tasteless) ProgressNow Colorado ads promoting Obamacare (sample pictured left; click to enlarge) seem to portray.

Abortion State gives the firsthand account of being investigated by the Department of Justice simply for attempting to contact abortionist Julie Komarow, M.D., for an interview regarding her involvement with reported wrongdoings at Planned Parenthood. Komarow had previously sought legal action (unsuccessfully) to prevent her name from being mentioned in the interview, and when the writer attempted to contact her for a comment via email, landline and cell phone, she filed a restraining order for harassment.
Soon, the DOJ began monitoring the writer’s blog and treating the case as a possible FACE Act (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) violation, which could result in heavy fines and jail time. The writer was not contacted to ask about his intentions prior to opening a federal case.

American Life League’s Judie Brown asks why, in this sex-saturated culture where chastity is mocked and maligned despite rising STD rates, it is the baby who is deemed the enemy of the feel-good culture:
… [I]n order for the abortion cartel to continue raking in the money, is has to create at least one, if not two, generations of individuals who will suffer anything for the cause of sexual relations. This is why one-third of Americans today have a sexually transmitted disease.
Professor emeritus James V. Schall, S.J., commenting on the statistic and the money spent on preventive treatments, opined, “Not only are there these diseases with us but also the millions of abortions which are also the results of failed ‘sexual transmission’ techniques that were designed to prevent the conceptions of children. Contraception methods and sexual education programs have not worked. In fact, they seem to have made the problem worse.”…
That baby, or any preborn human being at any stage of his development, is not anyone’s enemy. Each is a flesh and blood human being just like you and me.The enemy is the force in society that will not rest until every expectant mother detests her child and wants nothing more than to kill him.

RealChoice takes a look at some pro-choice state license plates. For some reason, they just don’t seem as pleasing as the pro-life ones.

Expose Abortion has many quotes from former abortion workers whose stark revelations shine a light on the mindset of the abortion industry. Former abortion provider Kathy Sparks is quoted as saying, “I remember one of the doctors stating that he could do three abortions in ten minutes and make the same amount of money as delivering one woman full term.”

Family Research Council blogs about the mayor-elect of New York City, who has declared war on non-profit pregnancy resource centers who provide services that are free and confidential. Bill DeBlasio shows his true liberal colors – seeking to deny true choice in communities while promoting only one “choice” – abortion.

Veteran pro-life educator Scott Klusendorf of Life Training Institute has must-read advice for new pro-life speakers.

At Catholic Vote, Michael New points out that many factors could be at fault for Ken Cuccinelli’s failed run for governor of Virginia – however, his pro-life stance isn’t one of them.

Live Action releases video of an Albuquerque late-term abortionist at Southwestern Women’s Options explaining the procedure and bragging that people come to Albuquerque from everywhere, due to their lax abortion restrictions. Beautiful Albuquerque, you deserve better than being the late-term abortion capital. November 19th is your chance to speak.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pro-life blog buzz 11-12-13

from Jill
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

Secular Pro Life applauds abortion workers who outed the illegal operation of a notorious abortionist:
"Abortion workers in Philadelphia have done the right thing, likely saving the lives of unborn babies and, quite possibly, the lives of women as well.According to Operation Rescue, it was abortion workers who outed Steven Chase Brigham’s illegal operation of an abortion business in Philadelphia."

We are so used to celebrities being pro-abortion, but A Voice for Hope decided to list openly pro-life celebrities. She found 71. The list may surprise you. Did she miss anyone?

Stand for Life reports on anti-abortion “truth trucks” showing pictures of abortion victims in Albuquerque during early voting to ban late term abortions there. Voter turnout is high, according to reports. Local news covered reaction to the photos:

Wesley J. Smith comments about New Jersey nurses being told that they would be fired for refusing to assist with elective abortions. Their own union backed the hospital’s threat to terminate for their refusal to participate. Alliance Defense Freedom lawyers were able to prevail in their lawsuit, but what it took to do so causes deeper concerns: 
"I am convinced that cases like this are the opening stanza of a coming symphony of pressure against Hippocratic medical professionals. Indeed, very powerful forces in politics, culture, and medicine want to conscript medical professionals to participate or be complicit in abortion – and eventually, assisted suicide/euthanasia. (Victoria, Australia, already has such a law for doctors regarding abortion and Quebec’s new euthanasia legislation would force doctor complicity.)"

At Pro Life Action League, Monica Miller, Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, tells how chronicling a terrible finding saved another baby from abortion. After a pro-life activist retrieved the remains of 17 aborted babies from a dumpster in Lansing, Michigan, as well as the names of the mothers who aborted them (talk about a HIPAA violation!), Monica painstakingly photographed the remains:
One of the photos was of a tiny arm and hand of a 7-week aborted baby, torn at the shoulder.This photo was printed in my book Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars.
How that photo saved another life is a touching read. You just never know.

Bryan Kemper of Stand True shares an incredible story of a harsh beginning for a young man whose family members thought should have been aborted. The story of this life is hard to read but has an ending that makes you smile and agree taking the life in the womb is never the answer despite the circumstances surrounding the conception and birth. This is Bryan’s own story and shows that God has a plan for each life.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pro-life blog buzz 11-9-13

from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

Can they stop the inevitable? Americans United for Life discusses how SCOTUS is trending on abortion related cases:The Cline case “illustrates momentum for overturning the abuses of Roe. Multiple cases are advancing toward the Supreme Court as it has signaled its willingness to consider the impact of its unrestricted abortion policy on women and their unborn children,” said AUL’s Dr. Charmaine Yoest.

MN Citizens Concerned for Life notes how unsanitary conditions of an abortion chain in Texas also threaten Minnesota women:The latest inspections of Whole Woman’s Health abortion centers in Texas have revealed continuing health violations by the abortion chain. Yet WWH’s Minneapolis abortion center remains neither licensed nor inspected by the state of Minnesota….
WWH launched its Minneapolis center… in early 2012. Legislation to license and inspect abortion facilities was passed by the Minnesota Legislature in 2012, but the measure was vetoed by Gov. Mark Dayton.Four of the five WWH clinics in Texas have been cited for violating safety standards in just the last three years.

The Leading Edge recommends the documentary The Human Experience and discusses why this is a pro life film even though the words “abortion” or “pro-life” are never uttered.

Live Action notes how popular shows sometime stumble on the truth and help break through liberal sound bites about abortion. CBS’s The Good Wife had a episode in Season One entitled, The Heart, which showed the photo by Michael Clancy of an actual surgery that took place in utero at Nashville’s Vanderbilt Hospital in 1999. In this episode, a pregnant mother, who had previously lobbied for abortion rights, was carrying a baby with a fatal heart defect. Her lawyers argued for the insurance company to authorize payment for life saving surgery in utero.

Coming Home discusses a LifeSiteNews story (quoted below) about thoughts on “breeders” by a homosexual activist who favors forced abortion for population control:
Women should be forced to abort their children for the next 30 years as a part of global population control, homosexual activist Dan Savage told Australian television….
“You know, I’m pro-choice, I believe that women should have a right to control their bodies,” he added. “Sometimes in my darker moments, I’m anti-choice. I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years.”

Michael New discusses tactics by an Alabama abortion clinic in reaction to the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils in front of their facilities. Interestingly, supporters were asked to “adopt” a pro-lifer by name and make a donation every time that person came to pray.

Those who say abortions are not coerced should respond to an incident reported by Big Blue Wave, where a woman left the abortion facility by way of the window to escape an abortion.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pro-life blog buzz 11-5-13

from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

At National Review Online, Wesley Smith wonders why Planned Parenthood has to close so many clinics in Texas due to the new law requiring the abortionist on call to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles:If abortion was really only 3% of PP – as the organization claims – would a safety restriction of this kind really force 12 PP clinics to close?”If they were serving women for routine medical needs, STI testing and giving out free birth control, this would not be needed. Time to get your talking points freshened up.
 It’s all about abortion, abortion, abortion.

Pro-Life Wisconsin applauds the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruling against the HHS mandate in favor of Catholic business owners:
Justice Janis Rogers Brown nails it when she writes that the burden of the HHS mandate “becomes substantial because the government commands compliance by giving the Gilardis a Hobson’s choice. They can either abide by the sacred tenets of their faith, pay a penalty of over $14 million, and cripple the companies they have spent a lifetime building, or they become complicit in a grave moral wrong…. If that is not ‘substantial pressure on an adherent to modify his behavior and to violate his beliefs,’ we fail to see how the standard could be met.”
Bring on the SCOTUS!!

Pro-Life in TN reposts a piece by Family Action TN that explains how Tennessee could soon take the mantel from Texas as the pro-life epicenter: "On November 4, 2014, Tennesseans will go to the polls to vote on a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would put the constitution back where it was before four activist judges re-wrote it in 2000. If voters approve the amendment, Tennesseans will once again be back in control of what abortion policies our state will have."

In a shocking exclusive, Abortion State (Washington) reports that a police record it has obtained shows Planned Parenthood Bellington tried to cover up the rape of a 10-year-old by a 31-year-old illegal immigrant:The police record, authored by Deputy Smith, states the following:
“On the afternoon of 09 18 2012, I contacted Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood to obtain a copy of the records documenting ’s treatment at their care (sic!) facility. I was referred to their records contact…. Sherry who told me Planned Parenthood would not follow the mandated reported (sic) law as codified in RCW and refused (to) provide medical records. I then advised Planned Parenthood that I would seek a court order for their records….”

Suzy B explains how Republican Tom Ridge, the pro-abortion former governor of Pennsylvania, has a lot of nerve to set his sights on pro-life conservatives:
"Earlier this week… Ridge went on an all-out verbal assault against social conservatives, including pro-lifers, within the Republican Party. He called social conservatives “narcissists and ideologues” that are “too damned self-righteous” and are imposing “tyranny” on the nation. He said that pro-lifers had forgotten about the separation of church and state and he laid the blame for electoral losses at their feet…."

Ridge’s own self-righteousness is alarming considering his record on abortion. In the wake of the Kermit Gosnell trial in Philadelphia, many Americans wondered how such a monster could work undetected for such a long period of time. The grand jury in the case placed the blame squarely upon Governor Ridge. Describing Ridge’s administration, they said the following:

“…the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions. Better to leave clinics to do as they pleased, even though, as Gosnell proved, that meant both women and babies would pay.”

At National Review Online, Michael New picks apart a Politico op ed that tried to say abortion is a winning issue for Texas gubernatorial candidate and late-term abortion supporter Wendy Davis:
Davis’s 13-hour filibuster of a 20-week abortion ban this past June certainly raised her national profile. It may well help her raise money from supporters of legal abortion outside Texas. However, there is little evidence that Senator Davis’s extreme position on abortion has endeared her to Texas voters.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fowler: Forget Texas, Tennessee is the abortion epicenter

Cross Posted on: 11-1-2013 by: David Fowler Family Action TN

Over the last couple of years, several states have passed tough laws restricting abortion. Texas has been one of the chief “offenders” in the eyes of the abortion rights crowd. This week Texas made national news twice as a federal judge struck down its latest pro-life measure, then again when an appeals court reinstated some of the law’s restrictions. But this week, it became apparent that Tennessee is going to become the epicenter of the battle in America for life and death.

Tennessee has a strongly pro-life state legislature, but I bet you don’ hear a lot about our state passing laws like those in Texas. Maybe you have wondered why.

If so, here’s your answer. Since a state Supreme Court ruling in 2000, Tennessee has been one of only sixteen states in the nation with a state constitutional right to abortion. And our court’s ruling was the toughest of the bunch.

The results is that our state is the only state in the entire Southeast that does not have at least an abortion-specific informed consent law or a law requiring a waiting period between the information being given and the abortion procedure.

And because of the court’s ruling, we can’t have a meaningful informed consent law, or much of anything else. Legislatively, there’s not much point passing a law that you know our court will strike down.

One consequence of our lack of such basic, commonsense regulations for the protection of women is that we are now the fifth highest provider of abortions to out-of-state women in the nation (based on information released by the Center for Disease Control in November, 2012).

In other words, Tennessee has become an abortion destination. Florida may be the “sunshine state,” but at least we are becoming known for something – an abortion haven.

But Tennessee’s low profile nationally when it comes to abortion is about to be raised. Substantially.

On November 4, 2014, Tennesseans will go to the polls to vote on a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would put the constitution back where it was before four activist judges re-wrote it in 2000. If voters approve the amendment, Tennesseans will once again be back in control of what abortion policies our state will have.

That profile began to be raised some this week. This coming Monday, November 4th, the campaign being organized by Yes on 1 to pass the amendment will kick off with its first major fundraising event. That event caught the eye of the press. And not just in Tennessee. It became a story in newspapers across the nation.

For the media and abortion advocates, any attempt to pass something pro-life is a problem that they think America needs to be warned about. And in this case, what Tennessee is doing required a five-alarm warning.

The reason this amendment is a major “problem” is simple. Unlike what happens in Texas and other states, abortionist have not had to convince the people of Tennessee and their elected representatives to support pro-abortion policies over pro-life policies; the state Supreme Court took the issue out of their hands and declared abortionists the winner on all abortion issues. But the amendment would change that.

In response to the news about the fundraiser, representatives of Planned Parenthood made it clear that they intend to put up a strong fight to defeat the amendment. And they will.

If our experience is like that in other states where pro-life measures have been up for public vote, abortion money will pour in from other states.

So, Tennesseans, be ready. You may not get much “love” when it come to presidential politics, but next year, you will become the focus of attention around the nation as Tennesseans decide whether they want to be known as an abortion destination.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Pro-life blog buzz 11-1-13

from Jill
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

Abortion Pill Risks notes a disturbing recent case report which calls into question the safety of off-label use of RU-486 for abortion. The FDA relies on voluntary reporting of serious adverse events of the drug’s use:
A case report published in the July 2013 issue of Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology confirms the discovery of the first known global death case of “Fatal Clostridium septicum following medical termination of pregnancy.”…A number of different off-label or alternative medical abortion regimens have been recommended by providers in the United States. In the United States the FDA has issued public health advisories to warn health care professionals about the risks of sepsis and toxic shock in medical abortion and to reinforce use of the FDA approved regimen which does not include the vaginal use of misoprostol.
At CatholicVote, Michael J. New discusses the results of a new Quinnipiac poll on Catholic attitudes toward abortion and same-sex marriage.
40 Days for Life notes the success of the campaign in England, where many originally thought 40 Days would have little appeal, as it was considered “too American.” The campaign garnered media attention from the Guardian and the BBC.
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition reports that Belgium, which is already considered a pioneer in euthanasia, is considering extending this practice to children as long as the parents consent, as well as to people with dementia. Advocates say that denying children this opportunity is unjust, but opponents state that children cannot reasonably be expected to decide to end their own lives. What if the parents say yes and the children object? (And who decides for those with dementia?) Once this door is opened, how can it ever be closed?
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life discusses how Planned Parenthood is “making a difference” in Minnesota.
Blogger Matt Walsh has a powerful satirical piece on “ending the stigma of infanticide”:
Meanwhile, abortion groups across the nation have organized pro-abortion events in 32 states, as part of their “1 in 3″ campaign. It aims to feature women telling uplifting and inspirational stories about their abortions. The organizers want to “end the stigma of abortion.” It is the act of violently murdering an unborn human, why should there be any negative feelings attached to it?…
Why stop at ending the stigma surrounding abortion?…
Let’s end the stigma surrounding child murder. All child murder — not just the trendy kind, which we've dubbed “abortion.”…
Make infanticide legal. Do you know why? Because we don’t deserve to prohibit it. We can’t sit here, ignoring the silent screams of millions of murdered children, and pretend that we have ethical standards. We can’t do that. We don’t get to do that. We can’t celebrate the genocide of 50 million human infants and then pretend to be horrified because a girl stashes her dead baby in her handbag, or a psychotic sociopath drowns all of her kids in the bathtub. And Gosnell? What in the h*** is he doing in a prison cell? He did exactly what every other abortionist does, he just didn't dress it up and try to make it look pretty. He murdered children in a drab, run down building, and put the corpses in the fridge. Non-jailed abortionist murder children in nicer buildings, and throw the bodies in the hazardous waste dumpster out back. So one is in prison, and the others aren't due to, what, aesthetic differences?

Live Action posts video of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ dodge when questioned whether Obamacare enrollees can determine whether plans cover abortion before enrolling:
