Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pro Life Blog Buzz for October 1, 2014

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

At Live Action News, Lauren Enriquez gives an update on the courageous teacher who took a stand against Planned Parenthood’s indoctrination of his students and was fired for it. He has filed a wrongful termination suit:
Planned Parenthood persisted in bribing his students with cash and gifts to sign up for the government-funded “Teen Outreach Program” even after [Bill] Diss asked them to leave. And the clearly-biased school administration sided with Planned Parenthood, subjecting Diss to scrutiny and discrimination for his belief that Planned Parenthood’s involvement in his math class was not in the best interest of his students’ well-being.

After Abortion quotes an article in which a UK psychotherapist says she has witnessed ill effects in post-abortive women, despite studies concluding that abortion does not generally affect them:

Over the years, I’ve noticed that a large proportion of women who come for therapy have terminated a pregnancy. As they begin to talk about the abortion, they become very emotional and express feelings of great sorrow and confusion.
Some of these women are astonished that having a termination has affected them so badly, despite believing they were right to halt the pregnancy.

Stand True is promoting a contest for creative pro-lifers to design a meme for the upcoming Pro-Life Silent Day of Solidarity on October 22nd. See one example, pictured above.

Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life discusses the strong pro-abortion record of state Gov. Mark Dayton, who is running for re-election. He has vetoed several pro-life bills passed by the Legislature and thinks taxpayers need to pay for abortions:
The Legislature passed a bill to stop the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortions. Dayton vetoed the bill.Taxpayers will pay about $3.5 million for 14,000 abortions during Dayton’s four years as governor. If a 2009 estimate from the Guttmacher Institute (a staunch advocate of unlimited abortion) is applied to the public funding numbers in Minnesota, about 3,500 fewer Minnesota women would have had abortions over Dayton’s tenure if the state did not pay for abortions.
The Legislature passed bans on human cloning and the taxpayer funding of human cloning, but Dayton vetoed both.

Clinic Quotes highlights a statement made by a pro-choice nun who supports the idea that the Virgin Mary was also pro-choice:

I was reminded of being with men and women from the Unitarian faith tradition last year as they celebrated Mary who by her assent, they believed, was one of the first women in the New Testament to express Choice.

American Life League’s Judie Brown encourages us to be persistent and not grow weary in fighting for the rights of the unborn:
Human existence and its indisputable integrity are not negotiable, though in our day and age many would disagree. We hear words like “freedom of choice” and “constitutional right” being applied to life and death questions. Many of us often shrink from debating the falsehoods integral to these phrases for fear that we might offend someone or seem intolerant. And sadly, this hesitancy is exactly what the enemy expects.

Down on the Pharm posts a video of an interview with longtime Rush Limbaugh call screener James “Mr. Snerdley” Golden. At 1:36 and 3:36, he discusses Kermit Gosnell. Click below to watch:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-23-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
A Culture of Life says another study from India – that makes 12 now, from that nation alone – shows a “very strong link between abortion between abortion and breast cancer: 
The average “odds ratio” of developing breast cancer in each of the studies was at least 1. But the average “odds ratio” for all 12 studies came out at 5.54. [Steven] Mosher [of the Population Research Institute] explains that this means a woman has “a 554% increased risk of developing breast cancer” if she has had an induced abortion….
Mosher points out that India is a great place to do this sort of study as the women “marry early, do not use the pill, have multiple pregnancies, and breastfeed their babies. In other words, all of the other major risk factors for breast cancer are… absent.”

Expose Abortion has this chilling quote from the testimony of Steven Massof at the Kermit Gosnell trial in 2013:
Q. And of the babies where you saw expelled from the mother with the chest movement indicating heartbeat, what would be done to them?
A. We’d sever the spine, snip the neck.

At Bound4Life, Christina shares the events through which God led her into the pro-life movement. Not only that, but the words of one person in the right place at the right time saved her life: 

During my last years of college I’d become increasingly pro-life. After over 20 years of silence, my mother confessed to attempting to abort me. She paid for the procedure, but walked out of the hospital when a janitor told her God would give her the strength to carry me. -
Also at Bound4Life, Josh Shepherd writes about the shift in our culture toward life, which is reflected in not only public polling, but in the Supreme Court:
Gallup polling clearly indicates how the abortion issue has shifted in recent years. Americans increasingly identify as pro-life — with a large majority of 71% favoring at least some restrictions on abortion.
Furthermore, leaders elected at the state level in recent years are following through on their promises to uphold and strengthen a culture of life. As Vox notes, ”States enacted 205 abortion restrictions between 2010 and 2013, more than the total number passed in the prior decade.”
These indicators of cultural shift partly explain what few have considered — the last five times the Supreme Court considered abortion policy, it ruled in favor of life.
At Life Training Institute, Clinton Wilcox responds to Brandon Christen, a pro-choice atheist who “argues from logic and philosophy instead of the usual fare you get from sites like Salon or RH Reality Check“:
Christen begins his article by talking about the seeming stark divide among religious lines regarding the abortion issue — that the religious are pro-life and atheists are pro-choice. But if you look deeper into this, you’ll realize this isn’t really the case. While it may be true that the religious are more likely to be pro-life and atheists are more likely to be pro-choice, there are certainly pro-choice religious people and pro-life atheists. In fact, as Bernard Nathanson talked about in his book Aborting America, abortion was initially disguised as a religious issue by the pro-choice lobby to help get abortion legalized in the United States. Abortion, itself, is inherently not a religious/non-religious issue, just like the slavery issue wasn’t.

Live Action News takes on Cosmopolitan for their decision to launch #CosmoVotes in an effort to endorse pro-abortion political candidates. Pro-life candidates need not apply:

Among X-rated sex tips, Fifty Shades BDSM  pieces, fluff articles and celebrity gossip, the publication is now endorsing political candidates based on their support for abortion…. According to Cosmopolitan, midterm candidates are carefully selected based on what is “best for women.”

Among endorsements for skin creams and hair styles are promotional pieces favoring candidates such as Colorado Democrat Mark Udall, Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina, and Florida hopeful Gwen Graham. Cosmopolitan looks no further than a candidate’s support for abortion to make a political endorsement….
While Cosmopolitan… claim[s] to represent women, the groups truly do women a disservice. The propaganda promoted by these media giants reduce women down to mere individuals whose only wishes are abortion and birth control on demand. Women are coerced into believing that abortion is a requirement for success, and that dangerous hormonal contraceptives — labeled as a Group One carcinogen by the World Health Organization— are necessary in order for women to achieve their career and life goals.
Women deserve better.

[Massof photo via Operation Rescue; Cosmo cover via thenationalcampaign.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-19-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust share several powerful experiences they have had in their campus outreach efforts. One Survivor encountered a rape victim who had a subsequent abortion: After she told me the circumstances of the assault, I asked her, “Did the abortion help you heal from the rape?”“You know, I never think of the rape itself anymore, but I think of this every day,” she gestured at the picture of the aborted child.

Right to Life of Michigan reports on the trial of abortionist Robert Alexander for “allegations of incompetency and negligence stemming from the closure of his Muskegon clinic in December of 2012 by the fire marshal.”
Authorities reportedly “seemed distressed by the dozens of health and safety violations which were found at the clinic,” which included things like unsterilized and rusty equipment, “used needles on the ground,” and even “buckets of fluid containing ‘fleshy’ substances.”
The judge found Alexander guilty of negligence and now the Board of Medicine will decide if he gets to retain his license and what, if any, sanctions will be imposed.

ProLife NZ cross posts an article from Life Site News about the training an abortion doula goes through to become steeled to the ugliness of the business. Lying and distraction are just a normal part of the job. One interesting quote:
But for all the pain they have witnessed, abortion doulas are relatively unmoved about what they are doing.Doula Project co-founder [Mary] Mahoney has admitted “those pictures pro-life activists flash are real.”

At ProWomanProLife, Faye Sonier points out how the days of “safe, legal, and rare” are nearly gone from the vocabulary of abortion supporters. But does this help or hurt the pro-life position? Sonier writes:
I think the pro-choice position is being forced to swing so far in that direction – the celebration of abortion – that it is again providing us with an opportunity to reach people. Because most people cannot celebrate it. And I don’t think it’s due to cultural stigma (an argument they often toss out), but due to the fact that we know what is in the womb (hello sonograms) and it’s within our nature to want to protect our offspring, not kill them.

Suzy B reports on the increased political support for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, sponsored by Sen. Lindsey Graham (pictured right with NRLC president Carol Tobias). Graham sees the bill as common sense, saying, “If you’re telling parents to sing to the baby because they understand your voice, should we really be aborting a child at the stage of the pregnancy?… I don’t want anybody carrying the republican banner that doesn’t get this. If you don’t get this, then you’re the extremist.”
The U.S. is one of only seven countries which allows abortion past 20 weeks, joining countries like North Korea and China.

At Priests for Life, Alveda King wonders about where we are seeking wisdom – from God or from man? King discusses the use of euphemisms and the role of the “consigliere” or advisor in American political and social decision-making.

At Real Choice, Christina Dunigan responds to Wendy Davis’ abortion story by taking doctors to task when they are so quick to recommend abortion:
Doctors are by nature people who are driven to take action against suffering. But… [t]he suffering is reduced not for the family, but for the doctor, who, after the abortion, no longer needs to go through the ordeal of prenatal visits that can only bring bad news: that the inevitable has happened and the baby has died. If the woman aborts, the doctor’s suffering is certainly lessened. But it is the patient who pays the price….

Perinatal hospice is not nearly as easy for the physician as an abortion referral….

The greatest tragedy of these situations is that so few women are given [perinatal hospice] support. Too few are even told that even if perinatal hospice isn’t available in their area, there is still support from other parents who have faced the same ordeal, the same choice, and found their joy.

Many abortion supporters argue that it should still be the woman’s choice about how she deals with the dreadful news that her unborn baby is dying. But how much is it a real choice, when doctors and other medical professionals are urging an abortion, are assuring her that it will be for the best, and are pressing her to make a decision quickly, while she’s still reeling from such a blow?

[Graham photo by Chip Somodevilla via]

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-16-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

Saynsumthn’s Blog is also covering the story out of Rockford, Illinois, which reveals that “some Rockford Police officers are refusing to work in the former death mill which city leaders are considering using as a police station.”

At Bound4Life, Stacie Kuhns reveals the fact that abortion is available to 11-year-olds in most states… but Chapstick? Now, that’s another story:
The assistant superintendent of administration for Augusta County Public Schools informed reporters that Chapstick is considered an over-the-counter medication by the school board. In Augusta County Public Schools, Chapstick may only be administered by a school nurse and only if a physician has prescribed its use.
When viewed without a national context, this may seem like a somewhat silly story about bureaucracy gone too far. However, it is outrageous and infuriating when you consider that a child may need a physician’s note to apply Chapstick — but, in 26 states and Washington, D.C., teenagers and pre-teens don’t even need parental permission to obtain an abortion.

Big Blue Wave quotes a article which recounts the work of an abortion doula. It is interesting that the doula has to distract herself from the child, reminding herself that it is the woman’s future aspirations that really matter to her:
The fetus comes out easily; they put it in the bucket and shove it near me. It is fully intact, curled on its left side, fists closed, knees bent up. He sleeps just like you, I think. Then, a second thought, an act of distancing: He looks more like an alien than a person. I have, by this point, seen lots of women and lots of fetuses, and the sight of the second doesn’t change my feelings about the first. The mourning for what could have been is countered by an appreciation for what is — a woman’s life, allowed to proceed as she wants it to.
Live Action News features an interview with Dave Sterrett of regarding the do’s and don’ts of sidewalk counseling, in light of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling “striking down an anti-sidewalk counseling buffer zone law enacted in Massachusetts in 2007”:
It’s encouraging to read that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court acknowledges that sidewalk counselors are focused on compassionate interaction with those entering abortion clinics. Unfortunately, many Americans still base their opinions of sidewalk counselors on what is reported by the liberal media. According to this portrayal, pro-life activists — specifically sidewalk counselors — are often perceived as antagonistic, incendiary, and confrontational.

Abolish Human Abortion has a thought provoking post and graphic (pictured above) regarding the sin of silence and inaction:
Count the cost of your fear. Who are you afraid of? Will you invest what the Lord has given you? Will you hear on that last day “Well done, my good and faithful servant?”

At Ethika Politika, Alana Newman says “we don’t need more sexual education, we need more virtues education” to solve many of the life issues our society is facing:

All of the virtues play into our fertility or marriageability. And if virtues and trustworthiness are too slow to develop, we may miss out on our natural fertility window. If a certain amount of virtues education is not observed after the wedding day there will be more divorces — which I’ve come to understand increases the use of egg donors and surrogates as divorced women in their 40s and 50s seek to remarry and bond their new relationship with a child, or remedy loneliness as single mothers by choice.… It’s not enough to slap hands and bemoan the use of IVF and sold gametes or wombs….

For our fertility and flourishing too we must confront our rotten roots, the root of evil, our fallen selves. If you hate abortion, and trends of surrogacy and third party reproduction, then give glory and attention to the established virtues. Teach the people in your life about moral truths — for your sake and the sake of a coming generation.

Abstinence Clearinghouse features a three-minute video of a “talented young lady [who] exposes abortion for what is really is through a… spoken word performance.” Unfortunately (and unsurprisingly), the “pro-choice” comments for this YouTube video are vitriolic and laced with obscenities. Just par for the course with many hardcore abortion supporters:

[Image via]

Stanek one of “7 women working tirelessly to attack equal rights for women”

Proud to work with Jill Stanek...hmmm let's see a slap across the face or death by dismemberment....which one is considered violence???

Stanek one of “7 women working tirelessly to attack equal rights for women”

Friday, September 12, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-12-14


by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
Pro-Life Action League is promoting the National Day of Rememberance for Aborted Children tomorrow, Sept. 13:
Of the 95 sites where memorial services will be held, 42 are actual gravesites of aborted children whose bodies were recovered from dumpsters and other improper resting places by pro-life activists.You can find the location of a memorial service near you by visiting the list of sites.
At The Catholic View for Women, Janet Morana thinks Wendy Davis‘ abortion revelation showed complications of post abortion grieving and the need for restoration and healing.
The pro-abortion activity and public confession of her abortion also serve as a powerful outlet for the complicated grief, guilt and anger that needs to be continually repressed… but struggles to find expression. Anti-abortion activists and public political activity that highlights our nation’s contentious struggle with this issue, become a convenient target for anger and rage at one’s spouse, self, God and others involved in the abortion decision.
Perhaps we can revisit the abortion filibuster of June 2013 and see in this very public action on behalf of abortion rights as being closely connected to her incomplete abortion healing. At great personal sacrifice she labors for hours on end, without food and water… to fight what she sees as draconian abortion restrictions. I would suggest that what was driving this display may be closely related to the abortion disrupting her body’s ability to go through the natural labor process… which she displaces onto a dramatic, lengthy and painful filibuster process.
Pro Life 365 supports the Catholic Church in opposing IVF. Writing, “Let us consider just how quickly using this technology can, and already has spun out of control,” the author cites the real life case of Cindy Close (pictured above) to show he is not exaggerating.
Close was impregnated via IVF, with no biological connection to the twins she delivered. She thought she was going to raise them with the sperm donor, Marvin McMurrey, in a platonic relationship, but the couple ended up in court when he said he wanted sole custody to raise the children with his gay lover.
Big Blue Wave remembers a fascinating court case in Tennessee 25 years ago that heard expert witness testimony from Dr. Jerome Lejeune of France. The judge became the first in U.S. history to affirm that “life begins at conception based on that testimony.”
Pro Life in TN picks up the story on this groundbreaking case of a divorcing couple fighting over custody of frozen “pre-embryos.” The fight went all the way to the Tennessee Supreme Court, which disregarded that expert testimony and granted custody to the husband, who wanted the pre-embryos destroyed. The legal opinion in that finding inspired the Tennessee ACLU and Planned Parenthood to sue the state to remove abortion statutes already in place.
What started with this historic ruling will be resolved this November when the people will vote on a constitutional amendment that would allow the General Assembly to once again place regulations around abortion. This battle is gaining national attention.

Jason Jones (pictured above) at Catholic Vote has a strong, no holds barred message for self-identified Catholics and other Christians who embrace the pro-choice viewpoint or trivialize abortion by putting it on the same plane as other social/economic issues:
As the father of a girl who was aborted against my will - and her mother’s will - one of millions of abortion’s unmentioned victims, I say: “No way.” I demand that my fellow Catholics who claim to be pro-life stop trivializing the legal execution of my preborn daughter by equating it with far-flung political issues that well-meaning people are free to argue about.
There are many answers to addressing the plague of poverty, many of which don’t even involve the government. There is one answer to legalized mass murder, and it does involve the government. Just as civil rights could only be enforced by government action, so abortion can only be stopped when doctors who try to perform them end up in chain gangs. Anyone who tells you different really doesn’t care about ending abortion. And it’s time that we called them out on it.
Secular Pro Life features an article by pro-life feminist Caitlin Fikes that compares the anti-rape nail polish remedy to the issue of abortion:
However, many feminists and anti-rape activists have raised some very valid criticisms of the nail polish, its implications, and the kind of attention it’s getting. While the nail polish may indeed prevent some women from getting raped (and obviously, every rape avoided is a Good Thing), examining this invention in the context of rape culture still raises important concerns 
For example, every precaution that places the onus on women to employ an ever-growing anti-rape checklist raises the possibility of victim-blaming: should this product become widespread, whenever a woman is drugged and raped there will invariably be voices saying, “This could have been avoided if only she was wearing her anti-roofie nail polish. How irresponsible. 
What does this have to do with abortion, you ask? You may be surprised to find that there are many parallels between the criticisms feminists levy against this nail polish and the criticisms pro-life feminists raise about the prevalence of abortion.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-9-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

Judie Brown of American Life League discusses an issue that sometimes separates pro-life activists. She believes pro-lifers should not waste time and resources fighting for laws that force abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. While many pro-lifers rightfully think abortionists fail to meet that standard, and this is a way to expose them and shut down abortion centers when no physician qualifies, Brown quotes ALL’s Jim Sedlak, who voices an alternative opinion:
While pro-lifers get caught up in trying to argue for these kinds of laws, statements are made that you would never expect from a pro-life person. In fact, after the Alabama decision, one pro-life leader, who is one of the strongest fighters for life in the country, actually argued that these laws are needed to protect women who are choosing to have an abortion. This has brought us a long way from the days when it was clearly recognized that the energies of the pro-life movement were focused on saving the baby, praying for the woman, and finding a way to show women that abortion was not her only solution to her perceived problems.

Minnesota Citizens for Life posted an op ed in Duluth News Tribune calling out MN Senator Al Franken for his support of the misnamed Women’s Health Protection Act, which “effectively would establish abortion on demand until birth nationwide.
"This extremist, who is up for reelection this November, must be defeated! He only won in 2008 by 312 recounted votes, and at least one pundit considers him vulnerable.
The Leading Edge, a New Zealand blog, gives tips on how to talk to your “MP,” i.e., member of parliament, about issues that matter to you. The advice is sound for the U.S. as well!"

Clinic Quotes quotes Glamour magazine in 1973, which called abortion the “kiss of death” in the medical profession
“[Hospital administrators say] abortion is a sleazy and offensive procedure… The doctor who does abortions – even if they are only a small part of her practice – is known as an abortionist…. This label is the kiss of death for any professional hopes a doctor might have.”

Live Action gives a high five to a Today Show story about Special Kneads Bakery, which employs special needs adults:
“What they do is critical to our success,” says Mike, underscoring the fact that these jobs are not provided as charity or just to give adults with special needs something to do. They are earning an honest wage and contributing in a very real way to the success of the business. Mike says their love for repetition is a boon to the business: They do a lot of the jobs that most people don’t even really think about, and don’t want to do."

25 years after a case in East TN made history....the people of TN are poised to regain their voice

Big Blue Wave (Canada) had a post that caught my eye as it has a direct impact on Tennessee and the upcoming vote for Yes on One.
"In 1989, Mary Sue and Junior Davis went to divorce court, and they disagreed over the fate of their frozen embryos. Mary Sue wanted to keep them to implant; Junior Davis wanted them destroyed.

No less an expert than Dr. Jerome Lejeune was invoked as an expert witness to testify that life begins at conception.

The judge presiding the case, Judge W. Dale Young, granted custody of the embryos to Mary Sue Davis. Based on the expert testimony of Dr. Jerome Lejeune, he became the first judge in US history to affirm that "life begins at conception." (According to the news article).

The Appeals Court, and the High Court of the State of Tennessee subsequently reversed the judgments, disregarding Jerome Lejeune's testimony."

Now what is this all about..... well a recap of the story that occurred in East TN 25 years ago has a big impact on the upcoming election in Tennessee in 2014. The story is of a couple who used IVF to attempt to build their family. They did not have success with their IVF treatments and the marriage ended in divorce. At that time, there remained seven frozen "pre embryos." The couple fought over the custody of the embryos and their future. Mr. Davis wanted them destroyed while Mrs. Davis wanted to preserve them for implantation attempts in the future.

"Dr. Jerome LeJeune, a physician and geneticist from France, arguably gave the most crucial testimony of the trial, stating that the four-to eight-cell entities were early human beings and could be called either embryos or pre-embryos.

LeJeune said during his testimony that he was deeply moved by Mary Sue Davis’ attempts to retain custody of the pre-embryos, and compared the court battle to the Old Testament story in the Bible in which Solomon discovered the true mother of a baby because the mother would prefer the baby alive with someone else rather than not have it alive at all.

“If she is not entitled to give this shelter to these early human beings, she would prefer they be given to another shelter outside their ‘frozen concentration camp,’” LeJeune said. “A woman’s womb is a secret temple.”

Mary Sue Davis was awarded custody of the pre-embryos for use in future implantation attempts. The court also acknowledged LeJeune’s theory that human life begins at conception and that pre-embryos are human beings.  Fast forward, Mr. Davis appealed and it ended up in the TN Supreme Court which overturned this decision and granted Mr. Davis the right to have them destroyed.

Now in Nashville, the Executive Director of the ACLU, Hedy Weinberg read that ruling and decided that if the TN Supreme Court had that mindset, it might just be the time for her and Planned Parenthood of East and Middle Tennessee to sue the state to remove the regulations around abortion that had been voted into place by the bi partisan elected legislators. 

On September 15, 2000 in a 4-1 decision they were successful in striking down three regulations around abortion...informed consent, waiting periods and that later term abortions had to be done in hospital settings. Boom.... just like that they were out. As a special present to them the justices said that the state constitution held a broad right to abortion....more liberal than the federal court decision legalizing abortion in America!

Two years later, a fellow abortionist who operated two facilities sued using the 2000 decision as a precedent and won saying the abortion facilities did not have to meet the requirement of other same day surgery centers and undergo annual inspections by the DOH. Bonanza for Big Abortion!!

The dissenting judge advised the people of TN that they should enact a constitution amendment stating that our constitution is neutral on the issue of abortion so the people could once again use their elected legislators to put regulations around abortion and return TN to being known as the volunteer state as opposed to the abortion destination of the Southeast.

That vote will take place on November 4, 2014, twenty five years after the original case in East Tennessee. It is fascinating,  but also sad to see how the courts were used to silence the will of the people.  But our day is coming...

Vote yes on One to restore the voice of the people of Tennessee and protect our rights.....

Friday, September 5, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-5-14


by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

Secular Pro-Life lists 8 things that After Tiller left out of their federally funded PBS broadcast.

At, Dustin Siggins produces some interesting insights he gleaned from an After Tiller Google+ Chat, even though the panel had no representation from pro-lifers. One of the abortionists, Dr. Susan Robinson, made chilling statements of twisted logic, so often seen in those whose life’s work is ending others’ lives:
Unsurprisingly, Robinson managed to work in the idea that women are “autonomous” beings, and thus killing an unborn child is morally acceptable. “My patient is the woman sitting before me,” she said, which is reminiscent of the Planned Parenthood lobbyist in Florida who told legislators that a baby who survives an abortion does not qualify as a patient — only the mother does.

“I am pro-life. I am pro-women’s lives. I believe women’s lives trump the fetus under all circumstances,” Robinson said. Taking away the freedom to have an abortion “…is treating [a woman] as a housing unit,” she added, and women as a whole as ‘second-class’ members of society.”

Other highlights include the introduction of a young doctor committed to late term abortions, Dr. Carmen Landau, who is new to Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, to take over for the aging late term abortionists.
MSNBC’s Irin Carmon, the call’s pro-choice moderator, remarked on the commitment of pro-life activists:
As a result, you do have amazing pro-choice activism. But you also have people who wake up every day and think that abortion is the biggest abomination that they have ever experienced, and that they will ever see in their lifetime, and they’re fully devoting themselves to fighting it.

Stand True’s Bryan Kemper tells of his experience attending a Planned Parenthood-sponsored prayer vigil. Interestingly enough, the ministers praying did not mention the name of Jesus once:

They proclaimed that this prayer vigil was inclusive for all Christians, Muslims, gays and lesbians…. But of course there was not one mention of the innocent human beings being slaughtered in the abortion mills across America. One person even told Mark Wolf “killing pre-born humans is a narrow focus, not worthy of their prayer.

Pro-life protesters were not allowed to show their signs depicting the victims of abortion, Planned Parenthood’s cash cow: [A participant] explained to me that they were welcoming all people to this prayer vigil and that she did not want our “dead baby” signs there because they were divisive. I tried to explain to her that Planned Parenthood was killing innocent human beings and that was more divisive than anything. I tried to explain to the minister standing next to her, wearing a collar, that abortion kills innocent children. He just smiled and said, “That’s your opinion.”

I wonder which part he considers opinion – that the children are innocent, or that abortion kills them.
At Real Clear Religion, Jeanneane Maxon and Clarke Forsythe remember the great social reformer William Wilberforce on his birthday:
Strategically focused, he combined long-term goals with short-term objectives. These included limiting the slave trade and reducing it as much as possible, and then regulating slavery (through e.g., registry laws) before it could realistically be prohibited.
One urban legend that needs to be dispelled is that Wilberforce “repented” of his “incrementalism,” or step-by-step approach. There’s no historical record of this. The fact is that Wilberforce pursued abolition of the slave trade and the full abolition of slavery along with short-term objectives that would limit it. It was not either/or; it was both/and.

Survivors writes about being contacted by a woman in need of materials to present to a friend who is considering abortion. “She said I have two weeks to convince her. This is day one of those 14 days.” The group mailed the woman information, but is also asking for prayers and encouragement in this situation as she seeks to save both mother and child from abortion.

Wesley J. Smith points out the rhetoric used by those in the fertility and research industries to dehumanize human beings for their own means:
By lying about the nature of the embryo, pro embryonic stem cell research advocates hoped to manipulate society into supporting their research agendas.These arguments were always–and remain–false….Nor is there such a thing biologically as a pre-embryo – as Princeton biologist Lee Silver admitted. That is a political term invented to skew ethical debates and decisions to permit the manipulation of human life….

This is biology: At no point in a human life are we not a human life–that started from the time you were a one-cell embryo and has continued uninterrupted until the moment you read these words. And that is true whether your genesis occurred in your mother’s fallopian tube or a Petri dish.

John Smeaton reports on a protest the SPUC staged outside the Polish embassy in London to show support for pro-life Professor Bogdan Chazen, who was fired from his post at Holy Family Children’s Hospital in Warsaw for refusing to perform an abortion on a disabled child who died naturally following birth.

At Women’s Rights without Frontiers, Reggie Littlejohn shares an interview in which she discusses her personal faith journey and how God called her to her ministry.

Saynsumthn’s Blog says that the web address for Planned Parenthood’s award-winning teen sex education website, Teen Wire, has apparently been purchased by a porn site. Since PP’s site wasn’t exactly telling teens how to abstain from sex, maybe this isn’t such a stretch:

According to CNS News, some time ago, David Pounder, a successful pornography star and producer, said that Planned Parenthood’s [teen] website was an excellent source for young people to learn about what he considers the benefits of viewing pornography…. 
“Planned Parenthood is an excellent organization that helps people by focusing on how people actually are behaving (i.e., having sex, watching porn, doing drugs, etc.), as opposed to helping people based on how they should be behaving (abstaining from sex, watching the news, eating healthy, etc.),” Pounder, a pornography producer and actor, told Cybercast News Service.

“Men in their teens are accessing porn, and I think it’s a normal thing,” he said.

What will they say now???

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pro-life blog buzz 9-2-14


by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

Americans United for Life board member Monique Chireau was quoted in a piece at the New York Times, but AUL says the NYT failed to report some pertinent information:
Abortion data in the United States is VOLUNTARILY reported by abortionists – and some states don’t report at all.
In contrast to most important health indicators – births, deaths, cancer, HIV, STDs, etc. – there is no national reporting law requiring that abortions or their complications be reported to national health officials or agencies. Our model legislation has been designed to address this void. And to require women and girls be given all the information available before having an abortion or taking a life-ending drug.

Big Blue Wave reports on a trend from India in which multiple surrogates are impregnated and then the healthiest of their preborn children are “cherry picked” – while abortion is demanded of those not selected. The surrogates have no rights and are often forced to take abortion pills (unknowingly) upon command, and are then told that they have miscarried:
What makes such cases worse is that surrogates often have to forfeit a significant portion of their fee if they miscarry. Some are not even paid if they fail to conceive.Where is the dignity of the human person in any of this? 
Clinic Quotes has a 2005 quote from an abortion clinic administrator, which reveals the stigma of abortion, even among the medical community:
It’s just so difficult to provide abortions for patients here when there’s zero support from the medical community.Nine years later, not much has changed. Medical professionals still shun abortion.

The Leading Edge says New Zealand’s leading newspaper is sending mixed messages by publishing an article which glamorizes elderly suicide and yet ends with a list of help lines for suicide prevention. Is this their idea of balanced?
This morning the NZ Herald has published a lead article that should cause all of us who care about vulnerable and isolated members of our community to be extremely concerned.
The article presents a favourable view of the very tragic act of suicide, and even encourages people to read excerpts from the suicide note that the victim left behind which promotes suicide as a positive thing.

In light of PBS’ decision to air a documentary glorifying late-term abortionists, Pro-Life in TN reposts some popular stories of couples who carried to term and honored the lives of their children, however brief. These parents who chose life in the midst of difficulty are the real heroes – not those who profit from killing such children.
The documentary Choosing Thomas is especially inspiring (screenshot from film, left). Thomas’ mother summed up the dignity of her son’s life with these words: “We didn’t terminate because he was our son.”

At Live Action News, Lauren Enriquez discusses the sinister mentality that lies at the heart of the anti-life movement:
What do Margaret Sanger, After Tiller, and child euthanasia have in common? The idea that some lives are not worth living….
Obstetricians have bought into the notion that “quality of life” trumps “right to life.” They are not encouraged to wait and see what happens at birth, to give the baby a chance to fight, or — most disappointing of all — to see what the baby actually has to offer the world himself by being given the chance to exist. Yes, maybe he will die in his mother’s arms after he is born. Yes, maybe he will suffer. But suffering should not determine a person’s inherent value….
Viewing only certain, select lives as valuable represents a miserable failure to the suffering, or “unfit” of the world. These can become the direct victims — of Margaret Sanger’s eugenics, abortionists’ brutality, or “progressive” countries’ euthanasia. But the direct victims of these actions are not the only ones victimized by this worldview. Indeed, every human to whom it is suggested that his value is measurable by another person suffers a grave injustice.

[Photos via BBC News,]


Monday, September 1, 2014

Here are the real heroes PBS....not the late term abortionists!

I am reposting an amazing documentary called Choosing Thomas that chronicles a couple that chose life, however brief it may be for their son, Thomas,  who was born with Trisomy 18. He lived 5 days. I offer this on the day that PBS chooses to glorify the work of late term abortionists who make their lucrative living killing such children. "We didn't terminate because he was our son"  Tissue alert!

Here is another post from a TN family whose precious son lived about an hour....Mom was on bed rest for a good portion of her pregnancy in an attempt to save their son.....

Child of God

You are God's Child that He allowed us to shepherd and cherish for awhile.
Like Jesus- on loan to Earthly hands
You are the embodiment of love shared, dreams hoped, and faith fulfilled
Our arms are sinful, selfish, insufficient.
Though we hold you with the greatest of mortal love, we are human.  We fail.
Scraped knees- and broken hearts
Loss- and gain
Triumph- and failure
Try as we may, we cannot heal all wounds or prevent all pain.
So- with love greater than ours, God knew this and took you home.
No tears, no pain- only joy and the Glory of God to light your face.
Your precious face- illuminated with the light of Christ!
Though my arms ache to hold you-
How could I take you from this beauty- for my own fulfillment?
How could I begrudge the arms that made you- holding you safe in His care?
I thank Him for the moment He gave me.
You are not mine, you are God's child.
And in His great love- He shared you with me for a while.

Heather & Craig 2011
Isaiah Samuel Bitterling

top pix: Dallas Morning News

Judie Brown: Propaganda Film Humanizes Slaughering

"We must not forget that taxpayers like you and me are paying for the PBS budget! So we are all accomplices to this latest assault on human reason and Hippocratic ethics. The
situation is grave, but there is plenty we can do about this. We can make our voices heard so that PBS realizes there is outrage among Americans, and that it is not violent or vitriolic, just honest. Leave your comments online at Ask others in your sphere of influence to do likewise. Then pray for America!"

Judie Brown of American Life League spells it out for us. Why we should object to our tax money being used as a propaganda piece for the abortion industry. There is nothing humane about killing these babies and the doctors who make their living doing so are not heroes.
