Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
One of Tennessee's unlicensed abortion centers exposed in 911 call
Pro-Life in TN updates on the efforts to pass Tennessee’s Amendment 1, which would again make the state constitution neutral on the issue of abortion. This would allow elected legislators the right to regulate legal abortion. Currently, state lawmakers have no ability to require abortion facilities meet the standards of other same-day surgery centers. With no way to require that facilities meet certain standards, and no informed consent or waiting periods, a dangerous “let the buyer beware” situation exists.
Click here for the video...

TN: Women's Center in Nashville 911 call. Owned and operated by dr. who used disastrous ruling in 2000 to run one of his two unregulated abortion centers.
Opponents of Yes on One insist that all abortion facilities in Tennessee do meet the standards of other ambulatory treatment surgery centers. While some facilities maintain that licensing, after the 2000 ruling by four unelected justices of the TN Supreme Court that found a broad right to abortion in the state constitution, this physician used the ruling as a precedent to challenge the requirement that doctor owned and operated abortion centers did not have to follow those regulations.
So it is a let the buyer beware for women and girls in Tennessee. Tennessee is now the third state in the nation for out of state abortions. The dissenting judge advised that the only way Tennesseans can restore their voice to enact regulations around legal abortion is to pass an amendment stating that the constitution of the state is neutral on the issue of abortion.
The abortion industry is using their "deep pockets" from affiliate Planned Parenthood's around the country along with the ACLU funding from in and out of state to blanket the airways with ads that are trying to state that abortions are safe in TN and that this will seek to ban all abortions even to save the life of the mother.
Here the recording here from one of the unlicensed and unregulated abortion centers in Nashville that court out of state women with coupons and discounts.
Video published in Tennessean.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
All Eyes on Tennessee
Cross Posted from Live Action
All eyes are on Tennessee. Tennessee is known as the Volunteer State,
Music City USA, home of Elvis Presley, Beale Street, the buckle of the Bible
belt, and the Great Smokey Mountains. Now it has another moniker…abortion
destination of the Southeast. Tennessee
ranks as the third state nationally for out
of state women coming to get their abortions.
This occurred because the ACLU and Planned Parenthood sued
the people of Tennessee in a lawsuit known as Planned
Parenthood vs. Sundquidst. Planned
Parenthood sued to remove three regulations around abortion that had been voted
into place by bi partisan legislators. These were informed consent, 48 hour
waiting period, and that later term abortions must be done in hospital settings. The ruling was announced September 15, 2000
in their favor by the TN Supreme Court, and with it a broad right to an
abortion in our state Constitution was discovered. This prevented any regulation from being
enforced that could not pass a strict scrutiny standard.
This lawsuit emboldened an abortionist who opened two facilities
sue when the Department of Health tried to inspect the centers and demand
that he meet the standards of same day surgery centers. He prevailed in court
by saying he was operating under a doctor’s office license and did not have to
meet these regulations unless he performed a substantial number of abortions.
The court did not define what constitutes a substantial number leaving it
unanswered; so he was now free to operate using this loophole. Others
followed suit. Just google how to get an abortion in Tennessee, the two
unregulated centers pop up on the top of the list. They even offer a discount coupon for
out of state women coming for abortions.
The dissenting judge from the 2000 decision advised the only
remedy for the people was to enact an amendment to the constitution stating
that it was silent on the issue of abortion and allowing the people to once
again speak through their elected legislators to enact regulations around
abortions. Amending the Constitution is
an arduous process. It must pass the General Assembly by a simple majority,
followed by a super majority, appear on the ballot in a year that a Governor is
elected and pass by at least 50% plus one of the number of votes cast
for Governor.
Game on in Tennessee.
This is a watershed moment. If Tennesseans prevail, it will encourage 15
other states that were similarly attacked in the courts by the abortion
industry to follow our lead. If it fails, it will embolden the abortion
industry to attack the remaining 34 states as needed with their winning strategy.
The campaign to vote No is calling their out of state forces
for support. 94%
of their donations are from other state affiliates of Planned Parenthood
and their ally ACLU. The Yes on One
forces have strong grassroots but are being outspent 3-1. The abortion industry
is blanketing the media market with ads leaving the strong impression that this
amendment would ban abortion even in the case of the mother’s life. The second ad is just as egregious. It infers
that a rape victim may be denied an abortion. They are acting like Roe vs. Wade
never happened. Either that or they are treating Tennesseans like they are
civically illiterate.
All eyes are on Tennessee. Check out Yes on One or like them on Facebook to follow this monumental
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
TN: leading pro abortion ad won't say the A word.....their brand is so toxic
Vote No on One campaign in TN features an abortion supporting doctor who talks about a woman finding out she was pregnant the same day she found out her cancer returned. The woman choose to fight the cancer and continue the pregnancy. The result was that the baby lived and she died. These are the facts. Anyone who has battled cancer understands that sometimes the treatment does not save their life. She is trying to suggest that not having an abortion contributed to her demise. She did pursue cancer treatments. If that was indeed a fact, she would have led with it.
"It was her decision and no one else's" says the doc. Viewers think this is a pro life ad. Not so fast... the abortion supporting doctor says the following...."no politician has the right to legislate these personal and private decisions." She further goes on to say that to support amendment one makes no exceptions for awful things that can happen during pregnancy. FALSE,FALSE,FALSE ...abortion was legal to save the mother's life even before 1973.
Notice what word is missing?? ABORTION !! They are obviously not comfortable with their own branding. The word itself is toxic! They cleverly parse their words to suggest that abortion could be banned to save the life of the mother if the amendment passes. Abortion is legal due to federal law regardless of the reason or stage of pregnancy. They know that, but the purpose of this ad is to scare and confuse.
This campaign is depending heavily on out of state funding from ACLU and Planned Parenthood. The abortion industry brags about their 2000 victory in Tennessee.....saying look what we were able to do in the buckle of the Bible belt... eliminating all meaningful regulations around abortion at any stage for any reason.
Let's notice the wording of the Yes ad....while the No ad features an abortion supporting doctor, the Yes ad features people,deals with facts and is not afraid to say the A word.
Vote Yes on One! Restore to the people their voice !
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Pro-life blog buzz 10-10-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
ProLifeBlogs shares a post from After Abortion detailing the death of an Italian woman from RU-486, which was administered in a hospital. This is the first known death in Italy due to the chemical abortion pill.
Operation Rescue announces that eight New Jersey abortion clinics are set to be closed, thanks to the NJ State Board of Medical Examiners’ revocation of abortionist Steven Chase Brigham’s medical license. The raid on his abortion mill revealed the remains of 35 late-term aborted children stored in his freezer:
In addition to his most recent revocation in New Jersey, Brigham has had licenses revoked or surrendered in New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, and California.“If Brigham is not fit to practice in five states, he isn’t fit to practice anywhere,” said [OR's Troy] Newman. “We are now calling on Virginia, Florida, and Delaware to immediately shut down Brigham’s abortion facilities in those states based on the findings of the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners, which found that Brigham’s deceptive and fraudulent practices, which are being replicated at every abortion facility he owns, pose a danger to the public.”It should be noted that Brigham, a man who stored the dead bodies of children in his freezer, blames pro-lifers for his woes. Late-term abortionists like Brigham are considered heroes among abortion advocates.

At New Wave Feminists, Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa shares a poster that makes a great point about bodily autonomy (left; click to enlarge).
Bound4Life has a collection of encouraging videos on the sanctity of human life from the recent 2014 Values Voters Summit. These bold messages are sorely needed to be heard by all.
At USA Today, Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life has a great op-ed responding to pro-choicers who argue that certain safety standards for abortion clinics just aren’t necessary:
The story of Karnamaya [Mongar]‘s death [at Kermit Gosnell's clinic] defies imagination. When she was found unresponsive after her abortion, emergency responders struggled through narrow hallways barely able to maneuver a stretcher.
The grand jury that indicted Gosnell for manslaughter noted in its report that Karnamaya’s “slim chances of survival were seriously hampered because it was exceedingly difficult for responders to get her to the waiting ambulance.” Twenty minutes of precious life-saving time was lost….
Clinics claim that they should be allowed to self-regulate and self-police, unlike any other provider of a medical procedure. They want to continue being regulated even less than nail salons. With great outrage, they claim that heath and safety standards such as outpatient clinic regulations are too “burdensome.”
Which ones in particular? Hallway widths.Health and safety standards close no clinics. Abortionists close clinics when they refuse to fully protect women and refuse to comply with laws that other facilities follow.
Pro-Life in TN is alarmed at the media’s love affair with death by assisted suicide, which some doctors are saying should be “safe, legal, and rare” (sound familiar?). The latest person to romanticize assisted suicide is a terminally ill young woman who plans to die on November 1st in Oregon:
[Brittany] Maynard [pictured above] is using her last days to help for others in similar situations, volunteering for Compassion & Choices, an advocacy organization for terminally-ill patients in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey. She has launched the Brittany Maynard Fund to fight for death-with-dignity laws in other states. Later this month, she plans to videotape a testimony for California lawmakers and voters….Five states have already legalized assisted suicide (or the prettier name, “death with dignity”) and bills are pending in seven other states. In Maynard, the media seems to have found their face and sound bites to further promote this aspect of the culture of death.
Suzy B says NARAL has launched attack ads against the SBA List, which insinuate that the pro-life organization is no better than a molester:
Why is NARAL unleashing this disgusting attack on the SBA List and its members?
Because they know they cannot win the debate over whether painful, brutal late-term abortions should be allowed in America. They can’t attack our message, so instead they are attacking the messenger.
Wesley J. Smith is stunned to report that “two internationally respected neurologists conclude that Jahi McMath isn’t brain dead, and the Stanford court appointed independent expert isn’t even curious to see what is going on?” Videos showing her responding to requests to move her hands and feet do not appear to arouse their curiosity to order more tests. Smith writes:
[Images via New Wave Feminists,]
Here’s my bottom line as one who believed she was dead last year:
- Maintaining trust in the integrity of the system, alone warrants a second look.
- So does the interest of science, because we may have witnesses an unprecedented event in brain death science.
- So does the potential future of a little girl.
… If this were a death penalty case, the level of evidence presented would create sufficient doubt to justify a reopen because the case involves life and death. If we can do that for a murderer, surely we can for an innocent and potentially alive little girl.
[Images via New Wave Feminists,]
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Doctor: Assisted suicide should be safe, available and rare......sound familiar???
There is a heart rending story catching everyone's attention and lighting up social media. Brittany Maynard, an attractive young lady, recently married, got the devastating news that she has a stage four brain tumor. There is no known cure. Prognosis with treatment varies, but is usually 6-9 months. It is the doctor's duty to give you the facts and let you decide what treatment protocol you wish to pursue. Typical protocol is surgery followed by radiation and chemotherapy. It lengthens your life but there are risks and some quality of life may be lost. Some may choose not to pursue treatments ,seeking hospice care for pain management when that time comes.You can die at home surrounded by family and this time of departure can be a precious and meaningful time for all.
So what I find appalling is that this woman is being used to promote legislation to legalize assisted suicide. Brittany Maynard is defiantly trending with the media is glamorizing this situation. Washington Post says:
My husband and I both lost our previous spouses to this very same brain tumor. They both sought treatments and were surrounded by family and loved ones when they passed.Their passing was peaceful. The time between diagnosis and death was precious. Anyone who attended loved ones with a terminal illness will agree. We discussed the story at the dinner table. He rightly pointed out that she can forego any treatment, die at home, surrounded by family, be pain free with assistance from hospice. Putting moral and religious significance aside, why glamorize suicide in this way?
As a doctor, I would like assisted suicide to be safe and available, but rare.
So what I find appalling is that this woman is being used to promote legislation to legalize assisted suicide. Brittany Maynard is defiantly trending with the media is glamorizing this situation. Washington Post says:
Maynard is using her last days to help for others in similar situations, volunteering for Compassion & Choices, an advocacy organization for terminally-ill patients in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey. She has launched the Brittany Maynard Fund to fight for death-with-dignity laws in other states. Later this month, she plans to videotape a testimony for California lawmakers and voters, People reported.This is what I find disturbing...she is being used as a fund raiser.I wonder if I had received this diagnosis would I enjoy the bevy of publicity I was getting. Everyone loves attention or would I want to spend my precious days with family and loved ones.
My husband and I both lost our previous spouses to this very same brain tumor. They both sought treatments and were surrounded by family and loved ones when they passed.Their passing was peaceful. The time between diagnosis and death was precious. Anyone who attended loved ones with a terminal illness will agree. We discussed the story at the dinner table. He rightly pointed out that she can forego any treatment, die at home, surrounded by family, be pain free with assistance from hospice. Putting moral and religious significance aside, why glamorize suicide in this way?
[Oregon] along with [f]our other states — Montana, New Mexico, Vermont and Washington — have similar laws [legalizing assisted suicide]. Bills have been introduced in seven other states.Yep, that is what this is all about. I wanted to look for other opinions on this case since most of the press was fawning and glamorizing her planned suicide on November 1, two days after her husband's birthday. This headline, When Assisted Suicide is not the Answer by a physician caught my eye. He talked about real life cases and his ethical struggle to aid his patient and remain true to his oath.
However, I still believe that for most terminally ill patients, hospice care is a better option than assisted suicide. Hospice offers team-based care with family involvement, often in a patient's home, that focuses on pain management and dying with some comfort and dignity.Yah... I said...then read his conclusion....
Unlike hospice care, assisted suicide is obviously a final and irreversible act. Ruling out the presence of clinical depression that may cloud a patient's judgment is not always straightforward. When depression lifts, the desire to die often lifts too. Only between 10% and 15% of people who attempt suicide eventually die by their own hands, suggesting that the desire to die is often changeable.Still okay with this article but then one of the final sentences sent a chill down my spine...
As a doctor, I would like assisted suicide to be safe and available, but rare.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Pro-life blog buzz 10-7-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
Culture Campaign reports that Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring has ruled that Planned Parenthood and other health professionals will no longer be obligated to report statutory rape except when the perpetrator is believed to be the girl’s parent or legal guardian. For those who thought that electing this man along with Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe as VA’s governor was a “pro-woman” idea, you are seeing the fruits of your labor: no one will be expected to help these children. CC quotes the Washington Free Beacon:
“It is my opinion that a Virginia Department of Health (VDH) licensing inspector who is a nurse and who, during the course of a hospital inspection, learns from the review of a medical record that a 14-year-old girl received services related to her pregnancy is not required to make a report of child abuse and neglect pursuant to Virginia Code § 63.2-1509 unless there is reason to suspect that a parent or other person responsible for the child’s care committed, or allowed to be committed, the unlawful sexual act upon the child,” Democrat Mark Herring’s September 12 opinion said.Herring includes “prenatal or abortion services” among the signs of potential rape that he said do not have to be reported to law enforcement.
“It is also my opinion that the VDH licensing inspector is not required to make a report to law enforcement of the crime of carnal knowledge of a child between the ages of 13 and 15.”
This is really unprecedented and disturbing.

At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal gives his take on the white lesbian couple who is suing for the wrongful birth of their mixed-race daughter, who was born as the result of a mix-up at a sperm bank:
For a mother so ostensibly concerned with her daughter being picked on by racist family, tortured by racist classmates and neighbors, failed culturally by her mother, she has chosen to label the little girl a mistake, a wrongful birth, a human who never should have been. All because of a little extra melanin and some different hair..
For all their talk of tolerance, and openness, and inclusivity, and compassion, it isn’t unreasonable to expect gays and lesbians to put their money where their collective mouth is. One would expect a lesbian couple, of all people, to abhor the notion of “wrongful birth,” claiming a genetic etiology for their own orientation as they do.
Pity the child born to such poverty and bigotry
Two weeks into the 40 Days for Life campaign, and already babies (and parents) are being spared from abortion. In Tennessee, which currently does not have an informed consent law, a couple walked out of the Memphis Planned Parenthood and took advantage of a mobile ultrasound unit to view their preborn baby. They chose not to abort. Don’t women deserve all the information before making the decision to abort? Currently Planned Parenthood is fighting hard against an amendment that would overturn the state Supreme Court’s 2000 decision and allow women the opportunity to be fully informed once again.
At Bound4Life, Ellie Saul says she discovered a supposedly “pro-girl” campaign fundraiser for Girls Inc., launched by, a shopping website. Girls Inc. is reported to be a supporter of abortion, and according to their web page, those Teavana Oprah Chai drinks from Starbucks are also providing funding for this organization.

American Life League’s Judie Brown expresses disappointment with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for recommending long-term IUDs for teens:
… [W]hy is the AAP suddenly suggesting that the birth control pill can be bad for adolescents but an implant or an IUD can be better? The answer provided by the lead author of the policy statement is this:
IUDs and hormonal implants cost more, usually hundreds of dollars, because inserting them involves a medical procedure typically done in doctors’ offices. But they’re less expensive in the long run than over-the-counter condoms or prescription birth control pills, said Dr. Mary Ott, an adolescent medicine specialist and associate pediatrics professor at Indiana University….Sadly the most serious problem with this latest policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics is that it implies that young people cannot learn self-control and therefore should be treated like the family dog.
Teens have to remember to use pills and condoms consistently. By contrast, IUDs typically work for three to 10 years after insertion, while implants typically last three years.
This arrogant cynicism about young people raises that old argument about kids to a new level. You know the one: How can we trust a kid to take the pill regularly when she cannot even clean her room?…
[Photos via,]
Friday, October 3, 2014
Pro-life blog buzz 10-3-14

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
Life Issues says the deep, dark secret of the health industry is the “hastening of death” through euthanasia thanks to a lucrative market for organ harvesting:
The difficulty of making a pinpoint diagnosis in such complex neurological matters — and the lucrative financial incentives to harvest organs — will ultimately propel this issue into the forefront of public consciousness and discourse.
Not surprisingly, the current procurement market for human tissues and organs in the United States is booming, driven by insufficient supply and heavy demand. According to The Milliman Report (see page 4), if all 11 tissues and organs could be harvested from a single patient declared brain-dead, however unlikely, the going rate for procurement would exceed half a million dollars. If all costs related to those 11 transplants are counted — preparation, physicians’ services, post-op care and the like — the money involved exceeds $5.5 million.Life Issues is asking for help from health professionals in drawing attention to this.

Wesley J. Smith says the mother of Jahi McMath (the little girl declared brain dead 10 months ago; pictured left) has petitioned for the case to be reopened so her daughter can be declared alive:
Here is the gist: Petitioner [Jahi's mother] is in possession of current evidence, including MRI evidence of the integrity of the brain structure, electrical activity in her brain as demonstrated by EEG, the onset of menarche… and her response to audible commands… demonstrating that Jahi McMath’s brain death was not “irreversible.”Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler, father of six girls, takes strong exception to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation “that physicians promote the progestin implant and the intrauterine device (IUD) for teen girls.” Four of his objections: It would interfere with the role of parents, weaken the decision to abstain from sex, set a double standard, and ignore the abortifacient potential of the implant.
Right to Life of Michigan honors the 38th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment, which is responsible for saving many lives:
If ending tax funded abortions in Michigan saved 10,000 lives in one year, imagine how many lives 38 years of the Hyde Amendment (which effects the whole nation) has saved. Today is a day to celebrate the millions of lives saved by the Hyde Amendment and continue in our efforts to uphold the sanctity of human life.At Priests for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone mourns the death of pro-life warrior Sandra Cano (pictured
right) – “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton, the companion decision to Roe v. Wade:
Father Pavone said: “Sandra’s work to overturn that devastating decision that was based on lies will not end with her death. When life ultimately triumphs over death, Sandra will share in that victory.”
When Sandra Cano approached attorneys for help, she understood her case as an effort to obtain a divorce and regain custody of her children. She was pregnant, and her attorney, in partnership with her mother, arranged an abortion for Sandra at Georgia Baptist Hospital. When she found out about the plan, she fled to Oklahoma and never had the abortion.Interestingly enough, neither Roe (Norma McCorvey) or Doe (Cano) had abortions.
The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform shares Justina Van Maren’s reflections on how her summer internship experience with CCBR changed her perspective on pro-life work.
ProWomanProLife features a video in which The Blaze’s Dana Loesch interviews the Gosnell movie screenwriter, Andrew Klavan. Klavan shares that he used to be pro-choice but became pro-life after losing an argument to a Catholic friend. Click below to watch:
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