Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We are so the environment....forget the human

I don't understand.....if you take your loved one to be killed at the Dignitas ( the assisted suicide place in Zurich), don't you take the remains home  to be buried?  It cost about $10K for the death but does that include burial? The owners of Dignitas have been caught dumping their clients in  Lake Zurich. The Swiss are outraged...Zurich Church spokesman Nicolas Mori said "It is like getting rid of the rubbish, just getting it out of sight and out of mind, and we condemn it totally."
Not the killing mind you, that is legal but  the cost to the environment from the remains. Dignitas boss Ludwig Minelli now faces up to three years jail and a £3,000 fine for carrying out unauthorized burials.My what a confused world we live in.Read more:

Meanwhile across the pond...Good news from Canada on this issue: From Pro

The Canadian Parliament has strongly defeated a bill that would have legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. Bill C-384, a private member’s bill, was defeated by 228 votes to 59 on Wednesday 21 April. This defeat followed a similar attempt to legalize euthanasia in France last year which was also heavily defeated.


Anonymous said...

"I don't understand.....if you take your loved one to be killed at the Dignitas ( the assisted suicide place in Zurich), don't you take the remains home to be buried?"

In these cases Susie the bodies were cremated. I would think that in some cases, people do take the ashes home for some sort of ceremonial dispersal (personally I'd like mine flown over a wilderness park). But there must be some where they leave with the facility.

The question is, have they made any arrangements with the facility for what to do with the ashes? Because if they haven't, it seems to me that all we are looking at here is illegal dumping into lakes. Which is a crime in itself.

Anonymous said...

And... It's interesting that while the majority of Canadians support euthanasia, this bill didn't pass. I suspect it was either something in the bill or the pro life and other religious groups lobbied hard to get it rejected.
