Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, May 21, 2010

Should school books address the eugenics background of founder of Planned Parenthood??

Why not, it is a fact. PP should address it instead of pretending it did not exist. 

Liberals are also  spending their time fighting over whether they should say that the first African American president is Barack Obama or Barack Hussein Obama.....the latter is the name he wanted to use when he was being sworn what's the big deal? Because words matter especially in shaping young minds.

But it is good to have this fight become public... before all this was done under the radar and that is why when liberals stacked these boards we ended up with so much in our school system that caused parents to pull their children out and home school them. Just as certain people are attracted to certain occupations; the liberal persuasion have been attracted to education to the point that those with conservative views have felt that they had to keep them under wraps.

 Texas Textbook Vote Set for Friday

Updated: Thursday, 20 May 2010, 11:05 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 20 May 2010, 11:05 PM EDT
MYFOXNY.COM - The Texas Board of Education is putting the finishing touches on a final set of proposed social study standards. For months the two sides have been far apart on a number issues ranging from race to religion.
The divide grew with the introduction of new amendments Thursday, including one that says high school books should outline the practice of eugenics -- the sterilization of a selected group of people.The idea supported by early progressives like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
A bloc of seven social conservative board members is driving the agenda.
The five Democrats on the board are standing their ground and hoping to pick up a few votes against changes they feel minimize the accomplishments of minorities and women.
The board is set to vote Friday.
Ben Jealous, the head of the NAACP, testified Wednesday that 40 percent of the country uses textbooks based on Texas standards.
But Education Secretary Arne Duncan said this vote's impact is being overstated.
"Textbook companies absolutely have the ability to customize textbooks and whatever Texas decides," Duncan said. "I don't think there will be any major ripple effects around the country."


Anonymous said...

Honestly, what's the issue with Obama's middle name? That it is common in the Middle East? Well, that shouldn't even be an issue. So go ahead and use it often... hopefully it will remove some prejudice.

As for mentioning the Eugenics Movement in social studies textbooks, there shouldn't be an issue with that either. It's part of our history. The only issue would be misrepresenting Sanger. It happens. So long as they stick to the facts, there shouldn't be an issue.

Anonymous said...

Misrepresenting Sanger would be to deny that this was her belief. This is what started her advocacy and continues today in Planned Parenthood targeting minority populations. History is repeating itself.

Anonymous said...

Planned Parenthood "targeting" minority populations has nothing to do with eugenics. But it has everything to do with answering a need: Unfortunately, there are racial minorities that are more likely to be poor and have high rates of teen and other unintended pregnancies. They also are more likely to lack health insurance and contraceptive perscription coverage. Planned Parenthood attempts to gives these populations the same access to reproductive and sexual healthcare that the rest of the country enjoys.

It has nothing to do with eugenics. THAT would be a misrepresentation.
