Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blue MA: Choose Life plates are now available

From even the bluest of states.....a church secretary worked on this for seven years...a good biblical number.
It is not easy to get this through and includes pre selling 1500 plates as  just one hurdle . The plates will cost $90 for two years. There's an initial $50 registration fee and $40 dollars charged for the special plate. $12 goes to the making of the plate and $28 goes to Choose Life Inc., a Massachusetts based nonprofit who then  distribute the money to crisis pregnancy centers in the states.

Of course the pro abortion groups are not happy ......stating their displeasure with not the message but the money going to crisis pregnancy centers. These are non profit entities who support life affirming options to crisis pregnancy and provide their services free of charge. What's not to like....well they don't  support abortions.

Recently a NY Times article states that abortion clinics are to training their counselors about adoption as a choice in an unplanned pregnancy.  Their referral rate for adoptions  is laughable compared to their abortion rate. Even the article expressed some skepticism about this approach...
Discussing these choices is always delicate, but perhaps even more so in this setting. Social workers in abortion clinics run the risk of sounding as if they’re offering a refutation of the service they are there to provide. As Ms. Page put it: “It’s like you’ve come to this Italian restaurant — do you really want the waiter saying, ‘There’s this great German place down the block, not sure how much you know about it, but you might like it’?”
Telling comment.......don't send paying business away.

 To many who have labored for abortion rights, it might seem at first blush that abortion clinics need adoption specialists the way fish need bicycles — that it represents an infiltration of the opposition. Corinna Lohser, one of the founders of the Adoption Access Network, said that when she worked at an abortion clinic in Cleveland years ago, she and many of her colleagues were wary of adoption, noting that abortion providers are “the ones getting all this harassment from protesters about adoption.”
Now Ms. Lohser, 33, works for Spence-Chapin Adoption Services, a New York adoption agency that supports abortion rights, and has come to regret the lack of information she had been able to provide women in Cleveland. If a client said she didn’t think she could carry a pregnancy to term, then never see the child again, Ms. Lohser’s response was, she recalled, “Yup, check, me either.” She did not realize how much more common open adoptions had become; she knew of no adoption agency that would speak to women with an open mind about abortion.  
Have you ever been in an abortion clinic and heard what a trained counselor says....I have. They push abortion as the only choice to solve the problem. Make it go away it never happened. Quick Fix....  I have heard those who left the industry state that they were trained to target those who seemed  especially desperate to get them in right away even if you need to rearrange appointments....get them while they still were in the crisis mode.

It is hard for me to understand an adoption counselor being pro choice but I know some. I understand compartmentalizing your thinking.....have done it myself. But once you get that abortion ends the life of a human being.....and that person is not given his or her is hard to justify all the other slogans that take you down the path that ends the life of another human being.

Anyway good for the church secretary and good for MA...the bluest of the blue. Read the full article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh a very good friend of mine was an adoption counsellor in Canada for decades and she is pro choice. It's not so uncommon. That only surprises you because you misunderstand pro choice.
