Posted at Jill
If this woman isn't a nutcake, I don't know who is. She unfortunately is the former head of Catholics for Life which is a euphemism for Catholics ok with abortion. Which is an oxymoron if there ever was one. If this is not a pro life message of the unwed mother Mary who brought our Savior into the world I don't know what is. But of course Francis would probably argue that it was a wanted pregnancy. Really?? Unwed mother in those days!! This is compartmentalization at its worst.
… [W]hen I saw the “Here He Comes” ad which showed the baby Jesus
waiting inside his mother’s uterus in a 3D sonogram I just burst into
happy laughter. I want one to hang on my wall. I want it to be my Christmas card….
And then, some silly people who are obsessed with abortion tried to spoil a good thing.
Pro-life Wisconsin… wanted to interpret these
joyous billboards as an anti-abortion message and instead of allowing
people to feel the joy and inspiration and holiness that the birth of Jesus symbolizes they wanted us to think about abortion….
I’m hoping that those of us who are pro-choice here in America will allow ourselves to enjoy this modern depiction of the baby Jesus awaiting entry into the world in his mom’s uterus. It’s a great and happy and anticipatory message.
Frances Kissling, former president of
Catholics for Free Choice,
Washington Post, December 4
I'm so glad you're getting this info out there. I am a recovering pro-choicer; I thank Him that I was finally enlightened.
God Bless You. Me too!
Hmmm.... my comment has gone missing.
try never came through.
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