Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tennessean: headline incomplete due to space,ignorance or to advance liberal agenda ??

Article in Tennessean yesterday had a catchy headline.That is what it if for. To attract your attention and get you to read the article. Too bad the headline is not always accurate. I know space is limited but sometimes key words are left out on purpose due to agendas or ignorance. Many reporters do not have a good knowledge of the subject matter; but often there is an agenda. The Tennessean is a liberal paper and it is easy to see their agenda. This article was on stem cells. Many, unfortunately, skim over the words and do not understand the difference between adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells.

The article tells about two ladies in this area suffering from degenerative diseases, MS and spinal cord injury. They travel abroad for ADULT stem cell treatments. Neither one brought the success they had hoped for but it allowed them, in one case, some relief and in the other case closure. I wish the reporter would have clarified the difference between adult and embryonic stem cells. They tend to lump them together in an attempt to confuse and persuade the public. There is promise in adult stem cells, the kind that come from umbilical cords or your own cells or other cells that do not require killing in order to use. There should be more money invested in this research. Embryonic stem cells are derived from killing the embryo which is LIFE in an early form. We were all embryos at one time.

  I wish the reporter had realized that there never has been a ban on embryonic stem cell research but a ban on using tax money to fund this. What researchers really want is an open wallet of tax money to do their research. Think it is not important that the embryo is killed to do this?? Because it is so small and does not yet  look like a baby or going to die anyway? Then do not criticize the Nazis for their experiments on the Jews in the prison camps who were the subject of experimentation to further their science. They were destined to die in the gas chambers eventually so why not use them for experimentation?

We are no better. No one has to teach us how to be comes naturally to us. But look into the face of snowflake baby and ask if that life should be ended to  help another born life.  Why not invest in adult stem cell research which has shown such promise without the ethical dilemna! Agendas and incomplete reporting......yuk.

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