Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, February 18, 2011

C span sound bites more entertaining than reality TV...better dead than eating mayo sandwiches???

I couldn't believe my ears....who sends these people to Congress and who is that man sitting behind the speaker podium laughing and talking all the time that Rep. Chris Smith is describing an abortion in graphic detail. Why watch reality TV when C span runs this...... Hold on the noodles but  pass the mayo!! Some of the more delicious soundbites...

  • Rep. Sheila Jackson  Lee (D) TX  says Planned Parenthood is about saving lives!!! Tell that to the 380,000++ babies being hauled away in Stericycle trucks.

  • Rep. Gwen Moore D from my home state of WI literally "took the cake in my book"  or should I say took the Ramen noodles in her impassioned speech about having 3 of those poor black babies they talk about...the first one at 18 and not having a dime to go to the phone booth to call an ambulance when she was in labor and then going on to say that she was so poor that her children ate Ramen noodles and mayonnaise sandwiches ...wait,  is she saying that she wished them to be dead!!!  Do the kids get a vote here.??  Did they pull up to the table and say ...I'd rather be dead than to eat this junk!!

  • Then we have Rep. Jackie Speirer D from CA saying that she had an abortion but the way she frames it she lost the baby at 17 weeks when the baby moved from her vaginal area...(she must have meant her uterus) to her cervix and she had to have an abortion. Amazing how they always find someone that had a miscarriage to put a sympathetic spin on the gruesome procedure. Miscarriage and abortion are different but the removal of the baby is the same. One is a baby that has died by natural causes and the other is a living breathing and developing baby that is killed by the act of dismemberment. Now Rep. Speirer did not go into the medical issue in detail as to what happened in her pregnancy  but she just intended to change the subject after all. No one wants an abortion. Feel sorry for the women who make this choice. Well, we do and that is why we oppose the procedure  and offer them better choices but for sure the baby does not deserve to die. Any time my choice results in the death of another there is no spin that can make this pretty. 

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