Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Emily's List says abortion is a faceless procedure with no real life consequences

 I know ...what do you expect from the Huffington Post but this line is almost laughable if the subject was not so serious. First of all Rep. Speier was trying to describe a miscarriage even though her grasp of anatomy was backwards. Saying that at 17 weeks pregnant she lost her baby....means miscarriage...this is not a term for abortion.....she then says that her baby moved from her vagina to her cervix. Actually, the vaginal area is below the cervix but what she undoubtedly means is that the baby dislodged from her uterine area and was in the process of being expelled as in a miscarriage and she underwent a D and C to remove the dead baby...not uncommon.
See the difference here. In once instance the baby is alive, thriving and growing and becomes deceased by the act of removing it from the uterus and in  the other the baby is deceased and is being removed. Maybe I can say it this way...taking a live baby and burning it up to cause her death or taking a dead baby and cremating her remains....see the difference. Of course they do but it is detract from the truth...that is the name of the game.
But this comment by Jess McIntosh, who speaks for Emily's List, a Democratic affiliated group that works to elect pro choice women to congress came up with the dumbest line of the week...except she is serious.

"..."Republicans are trying to demonize women by describing faceless procedures with no real life consequences. And what Representative Speier did yesterday was make that impossible. She put a human face on a real life choice. It' much harder to demagogue that."

Here is the human face Ms. McIntosh.....faceless procedure indeed!!! No real life consequences, indeed!!!

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