Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, March 25, 2011

(Prolifer)ations 3-25-11

from Jill

Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • The FRC blog has a must-read post on the long overdue 2007 report on abortion from the Centers for Disease Control, which blamed the lateness on compilation issues. Reporting by states is voluntary. In this latest report, CA, MD and NH did not participate. CA typically has the highest numbers for abortion, so the CDC is forced to rely on outside sources like Guttmacher to supply the incomplete data.
  • Our newest blog, The Culture Vulture in NZ, discusses the controversial Gardasil HPV vaccine, which has seen a decline in sales recently. Marketed as a cure for cervical cancer, the safety and long-term effectiveness of the vaccine are in question.
  • Culture Campaign examines the recently released US Census information showing the decline of the African American population, particularly in large cities. While some sources note a migration to the suburbs, one researcher admitted the drop “also can be partially attributed to a declining black fertility rate and the aging of the black population.”
  • Pro-Life Action League points out how different abortion is from any other medical procedure by describing what goes on outside. Things you won’t see outside your podiatrist’s office are “squad cars and blaring music… cars used as weapons… peaceful protest…” and posting signs forbidding photography of the building (which are not enforceable by law).

  • 40 Days for Life shares a story from Pittsburgh about a young girl who tried to give prayer warriors a dollar after seeing the “Pray to End Abortion” signs. She thought the signs said, “PAY to end abortion”: Of course, that brought smiles to everyone’s faces.
    “Thank you, but you don’t have to pay us,” the volunteer told the child. “In fact, there‘s something far more important and special that you can give. You can pray to God that He will put an end to abortion.”
    The mother then talked about that conversation in the van — explaining to her daughter what abortion was. Her daughter could not understand why a mother would throw away her own child.
    The girl then asked if she could have the sign — the one that really says “PRAY to end abortion.”
  • Generations for Life examines the upcoming “Back Up Your Birth Control” Campaign, sponsored by the National Institute of Reproductive Health’s Day of Action which is aimed at high school and college students. The campaign, to be held on March 30, promotes the use of emergency contraception while ignoring data from Planned Parenthood board member Dr. James Trussell who has admitted EC fails to reduce the rates of unplanned pregnancy.
  • Ethika Politika explains how abortion proponents take advantage of political upheaval and religious disagreement to push their ideology at the United Nations.
  • Lashawn Barber writes about South Dakota’s new 72 hour wait for an abortion, which is to include a pregnancy resource center counseling session. One critic has complained it is easier to buy a gun in SD than get an abortion – to which Barber replies: The enumerated constitutional right to bear arms to protect your family v. the deeply hidden/discovered “right of privacy” to kill your family. Right-wing, anti-choice, religious nuts ought to get their priorities straight.

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