Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Analyzing PP reports show facts not covered in MSM talking points...

For an eye opening primer on the financial standing of Planned Parenthood Federation of America check out this report.

Some highlights include...
"Planned Parenthood is extraordinarily wealthy in its own right, and does not need tax dollars to continue to operate.
According to its most currently published annual report, PP has nearly one billion dollars of net assets ($1,197,300,000.00 assets, and $202,600,000.00 liabilities).2
Planned Parenthood’s most current Annual Report discloses a total of 997 million dollars in revenue to its affiliates (broken down into 404 million dollars in health center income, 363 million in government grants and contracts, 209 million dollars in private contributions, and 20 million additional dollars from other operating revenue). This means that excluding government grants and contracts Planned Parenthood affiliates brought in 634 million dollars in revenue in their fiscal year 2008-2009. This does not include 117 million dollars in revenue to the national office."
Of course they are looking for a future windfall from Obamacare that will make their current defunding  look like small potatoes and fix them for life...whoops play on words....death.

Another eye popping entry...
Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services are extremely skewed toward abortion.
For every adoption referral Planned Parenthood makes, it performs 340 abortions.12
Ninety eight percent of Planned Parenthood’s services to pregnant women (abortion, adoption and prenatal care) are abortion (according to its 2009 report: 332,278 abortions, 7,021 prenatal care clients, and 977 adoption referrals to other agencies).13
The number of pregnancy services other than abortion have been declining recently. For example, in 2007, it provided 4,912 adoption referrals, but in 2008, only 2,405, and in 2009, only 977. In 2007, it provided over 10,914 prenatal care services, but only 9,433 in 2008, and now 7,021 in 2009.
Wouldn't it be nice if the MSM would do some research before spitting out  talking points...Just a suggestion.

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