Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CDC $$ to Memphis for project outsourced to Planned Parenthood

Centers for Disease Control selects Shelby County (Memphis)  to receive  a grant  for 75K to test for syphilis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chose Shelby County as a funding site for the project because of the high rates of syphilis transmission in our community. In 2009, Shelby County ranked fifteenth of all counties in the U.S. for symptomatic syphilis. Shelby County has the highest number of newly-diagnosed syphilis cases in Tennessee, and the infection rate for all stages of syphilis is five times higher in Shelby County than in the U.S. overall.
So what does the Shelby County Health Dept. do...they outsource it to Planned Parenthood. 

You may remember that Yvonne Madlock, the Director of Shelby County Health Dept. was the only one out of 95 counties in TN that would not take on the responsibility of family planning services with the Title X money from the govt.  Madock wrote her "conditions"  to TN Health Commissioner Susan Cooper in a letter stating she would accept  the $1.345MM on a month to month basis and will not rule out subbing it out to Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood was to be defunded. That was the intent of the legislature. Some stealth  tactics or antics were used to circumvent what the legislators clearly thought they voted on.

Shelby County  continues to "friend" Planned Parenthood to the tune of 75K instead of doing the work. Madlock disses the Commissioner of Health, the state legislature and continues to  pick and chooses her assignments. 

Now she has the audacity to award a grant from CDC to Planned Parenthood/Memphis because of their "stellar record."

And let us not forget  how  Memphis PP distinguished  themselves....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Madlock does not have a degree in public health! She has Masters in Teaching and the results speak for themselves.
She was embarrased to be a lowly teacher married to a doctor when all the other prominent black wives were lawyers and doctors. She has been at the Health Dept for almost 20 years and has done nothing to stop the epidemic of infant death. In the Commercial Appeal she said that "She never new things were this bad" the worst infant death rate in America? Google "Yvonne Madlock abcnews 20/20 interview" She does not care one flip about the community. She is a reliable stooge that is unfit for her job.
She certainly does not care about the living let alone the unborn. The article "Babyland" was a runner up for the pulitzer prize and it showed just how detached, uninformed, and unqualified she is.
Perhaps Mayor Lutrell will do what A.C. did not her!!
