Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CA PP nixes new site when business next door refuses to allow them to use parking spots.....

Pro life laborer in CA sends this along.....and I think of a sermon by Fr. of those sermons you hide in your mind and heart. He said that if everyone stopped cooperating with the abortion industry, the no laws would need to be passed but abortion would go away because of the lack  of resources. That means the landscaper who refuses to do their lawns, the electrician who won't wire their buildings, the refuse business that will not haul away their "medical waste."  You get the picture. Sometimes the pro life people have to help the business step up to the plate with their activism and withdrawal of business to those who cooperate with the abortion industry.  Please consider subscribing to the boycott list put out by Life Decisions International. Pressure works...I have seen this first hand. Back to the success in blue state CA.
Abortion  supporting blog reports  that  Redwood City PP canceled its plans to open a site there when Enterprise Rent A Car agency next door who had originally agreed to allow them to use 9 of their parking spots changed their mind after hearing from pro life Californians. So bye bye Redwood City and now PP plans to go to San Mateo. What makes me think the pro life activists in San Mateo will be heard from. Great work!!!  Let's continue to refuse to cooperate with the abortion industry in all ways. Let those businesses know that you will not patronize any business that goes along to get along. I think I will go and rent a car from Enterprise now.

HT: Wynette Sills, Sacramento 40 Days for Life...keep up the good work. 

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