Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Canadian free after "4th trimester" abortion death.....

 Lots of chatter on the blogs about the  19 year old Canadian  woman  who strangled her newborn son with her underwear and threw his body over the fence. Many are pointing to liberal Canadian laws of abortion on demand at at tax payer expense that makes this crime seem less shocking. 

Why be surprised that a mother kills her offspring when life has been so cheapened that the mother's quality of life trumps the offspring's right to life. We have become hardened to what many call this the 4th trimester abortion. Maybe they should show  a pix of the baby to get through to us what we are doing.

Pro-life advocates have warned for years that widespread acceptance of abortion will open the door to greater societal acceptance of infanticide, beginning with the euthanizing of disabled newborns.  Infanticide proponent Peter Singer, a top ethicist at Princeton University, has said, for example, “there is no sharp distinction between the foetus and the newborn baby.”

Though he once was considered to be on the radical fringe, Singer’s views are becoming more mainstream.  For example, the world’s most prestigious bioethics journal, The Hastings Center Report, published in 2008 an enthusiastic defense of the Netherlands’ practice of euthanizing newborns.

Photo: Lifesite News 

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