from Jill

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- Wesley J. Smith discusses the radical PETA movement now attempting to combine actual pornography and graphic video of animal abuse on the same website (yes, you read correctly). The more extreme PETA becomes, the less credibility they seem to have in the animal rights movement.

- Secular ProLife
voices support for “pro-choice” license plates in the interest of
fairness, stating how overall, it will likely help pro-life causes:
… [T]he availability of a pro-choice plate is no threat to us,
and will probably help the pro-life movement in the long run. In those
states where pro-choice plates have been introduced, they’ve been duds.
For instance, in Montana, the state Right to Life organization raised $5,570 from specialty license plate sales between April and June 2011. Planned Parenthood of Montana, during the same time frame? $700.
- Reflections of a Paralytic writes about an appeal filed by adult stem cell researchers seeking the reversal of the decision to allow taxpayer funding for human embryonic stem cell research.
- Pro-Life Wisconsin’s recently scheduled debate, organized by nonpartisan political group Reach Out Wisconsin, was “aborted” by Planned Parenthood rep Nicole Safar, who refused to even be in the same room with anyone from PLW. Safar is an attorney and “advocate for late-term abortion” who supports the “right” of birth control for minors and opposes conscience protection laws. Clearly, the abortion industry cannot bear the scrutiny of an honest exchange of ideas.
- ProWomanProLife posts a serious report about ectopic pregnancies and the high number of errors in proper diagnosis:
While the reports of such mistakes are uncommon, the authors say
there is evidence it is a broader problem. Not only has use of
methotrexate boomed, but some research indicates the initial diagnosis
of ectopic pregnancy ends up being wrong in 40% of cases.
- Live Action comments on abortion activist Amanda Marcotte’s accidental truth-telling about the “mission of Planned Parenthood.”
- Pro-Life Action League reveals important information on the Illinois Citizen Participation Act, which is important to pro-lifers especially because:
… [the act] states that, when pursuing favorable governmental
action, a person cannot be held responsible for public statements made
in pursuit of that action, even if those statements are libelous.
Scheidler v. Trombley began when Planned Parenthood ran a smear campaign on the [Pro-Life Action] League and local activists while trying to open their massive “Abortion Fortress” in Aurora, Illinois. When Eric [Scheidler] and the League sued for libel, PP counter-sued under the [Citizen Participation Act] and won, claiming that they weren’t responsible for their false claims about pro-lifers because they were seeking the favorable government action of getting the Aurora City Council to approve their new clinic.
This is obviously ridiculous as it essentially grants PP, or anyone else invoking the CPA, a license to lie and say whatever they please about their opponents without being held responsible. It also takes away the right of victims of the CPA to defend and clear their good name in public.
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