Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, March 1, 2012

PP outreach in Seattle promotes casual sex...

What an amazing article in the Seattle Weekly blog with a bold headline that would be bleeped on TV...there it is right out there. I will let you click on the link yourself.
Amazing article about the serious PP people who hype sex, sex and more sex. Is anything private anymore.?
"PP  distributed 60,000 free condoms in the Pacific Northwest with smart-phone-friendly QR codes printed right on the latex."
So those who never let go of their smart phones, scan the bar code that tells their location when having sex and can rate their experience.

"Rating your sex, these are the options available: *Things can only improve from here
*Fair - A work in progress
*Pretty Good - I got no complaints
*Great - Can't wait for round 2
*Ah-maz-ing - Rainbows exploded and mountains trembled"
So PP sees this as an outreach driving potential customers to their website because as you know sex sells.
"The website has had over 45k unique visitors with 20k just in the past day (meaning most people are just rubbernecking, rather than scanning their rubbers). And in those same two weeks, people have "checked in" 4,000 times in over 75 countries, meaning there have been 4,000 happy nights (at least if you believe people on the Internet, which you shouldn't). "
So you see casual sex equals more business because when the condoms fail where do you think these happy folks go to take care of their problem??  Then get another handful of condoms and off we go....

pix: Seattle Weekly blog

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