Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Slate: Meet our brave new world....

 Slate magazine puts out a piece with a strange headline...

Rick Santorum, Meet My Son

"He has a degenerative disease that has left him blind, paralyzed, and increasingly nonresponsive. If I had known before he was born, I would have saved him from suffering....."

How would she save ending his life as in abortion...I almost can't bear to type it but yes by killing him prenatally.
Routine prenatal tests did not detect his  condition so she  waived the more invasive tests. But had she known the extent of his disabilities  and talked to parents coping with these disabilities she would have chosen abortion. But then she makes these statements showing her disconnect in what the story is trying to portray ...
"I love my son more than any person in the world and his life is of utmost value to me. I don't regret a single minute of this parenting journey, even though I wake up every morning with my heart breaking, feeling the impending dread of his imminent death. This is one set of absolute truths."
No one doubts her need for support as she cares for her disabled son and her emotions can be expected to be in turmoil. Slate takes advantage of this to make the case they do and in my opinion using this woman and her son to advance their theology.

Then the woman tells us this about herself....
I was born with a physical deformity in the age before the evolution of advanced ultrasound technology that may have detected it. My mom did not have a choice about terminating her pregnancy, although when I was born and she was told that I might be retarded, that I might never walk, and that given these possibilities she might want to consider institutionalizing me, she probably wished she'd had the choice. 
She was born in 1974, one year after Roe vs. Wade. Abortion was legal and actually legal in some states prior to that.  None of those dire predictions turned out to be accurate but she laments her mother's lack of knowledge of prenatal testing so she could have chosen to abort her. Did you hear that...the dr. was wrong about all those dire predictions. Does her mother wish she had killed her????
"And I'd like you to meet me, as well, with my artificial leg and strong body and big, beautiful, complicated life full of friends and books and meaningful work and sex and all kinds of texture and heaps of subtlety and contradiction; in short, a full life. My mother made a choice without knowing she had one. I made a choice without having all the information. Neither choice is bad or good; neither is this one thing or the other."
Is anything good or bad...or is this our good friend...moral relativism as we have come to know it. This article is put out by Slate to accuse Rick Santorum of not being sensitive to the issues of raising disabled children. How strange since Karen and Rick Santorum are personally experiencing it with their daughter Bella and went through the tragedy with their son Gabriel. This article with it's focus on the hardship of raising a child with severe disabilities and imminent death is meant to use your emotions to suggest that prenatal testing is wonderful  so you can use it as a search and destroy  tactic and bring only perfect children into this brave new world. 

That Santorum would dare discuss the dangers and suggest that "all life is inherently valuable, no matter how compromised or of what limited quality" rankles them.
 The article doesn't like to hear that kind of talk...they support that the quality of life trumps the sanctity of human life and use this piece as a way to denigrate a candidate who dares bring up the sanctity of human life. 

With this type of thinking next we will be using prenatal tests to weed out those who are the wrong sex....whoops....already doing that. 

Hello, brave new world.... 

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