Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pro-life blog buzz 4-23-13

from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • Secular Pro-Life highlights the absurdity of an article which blames pro-life protesters and sidewalk counselors for failing to stop Kermit Gosnell’s killings – never mind the fact that NARAL observed the clinic’s deplorable conditions and did absolutely nothing. Amazing.
  • ProLifeBlogs shares the news that three of the eight murder charges against Gosnell were dropped by the judge today:
    Testimony from the medical examiner and toxicologist has indicated that there was no evidence the babies were injected with Digoxin to ensure the babies were dead prior to the abortion, as the defense has claimed.
    The medical examiner testified that tests were inconclusive as proof that the babies were born alive. However, the tests also did not prove the babies were dead prior to birth. Those inconclusive test results were overshadowed by the weight of testimony from witness after witness, who detailed how the babies were in fact living prior to being murdered through what one witness described as a “virtual beheading.”
  • Women’s Rights Without Frontiers exposes further disregard for human life in China, where 10-year-old Zhang Anni (pictured left) was taken from school and held without food or water for 20 hours in retaliation for her father’s actions exposing government corruption. Reggie Littlejohn writes:
    I believe that the Chinese Communist Party persecutes, detains and tortures the families of dissidents in an attempt to silence them. The CCP will commit serious human rights violations against children to stifle freedom of speech. This is state-sponsored child abuse.
  • Wesley J. Smith notes his objections to a bill working its way through the Texas Legislature which would give doctors the right to impose a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order on a patient’s chart without the patient’s consent.
  • John Smeaton has a news brief discussing the conflict between sex education promoters and parental rights advocates, as well as a synopsis of the late Margaret Thatcher’s voting record on family and life issues.
  • Reflections of a Paralytic agrees with a recent article that claims the Gosnell story is really about more than abortion:
    It’s not a story about abortion. It’s a story about what happens when you replace the family with free love that turns out to be neither free nor love. Like teaching first graders sex ed or handing out condoms on the street, abortion is one of the ways that the liberal state tries to limit the fallout from its destruction of the family.

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