from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

At ProLife365, Kevin Kukla shows how the redefinition of “pregnancy” and “conception” have changed over the years, by a deliberate choice on the part of contraception proponents. Kukla writes, “Did you know that the moment your life began depends on which decade you were born in?”

Pro-Life in TN discusses the left’s newest hero, rising Democrat star Lucy Flores, who is running for lieutenant governor of Nevada. A young Hispanic, raised in poverty as one of 13 children, Flores reached her newfound fame by disclosing that she once had an abortion and has no regrets. But Slate, reports:
Her eyes welled up and her voice caught as she described how she’d convinced her father to pay the $200 cost for the procedure.
Sounds like Flores might need to work on her “I’m not sorry” demeanor.

Suzy B unearths two decades-old videos in which NFL players boldly encourage women to choose life for their babies instead of abortion. Wow, how things have changed!

ProLife NZ cross posts an article from Christian Answers, responding to the claim that pro-lifers are unjustly trying to impose their morality on others:
Although it does not seriously damage their entire position, it is interesting to note that many abortion-rights advocates do not hesitate to impose their moral perspective on others when they call for the use of other people’s tax dollars (many of whom do not approve of this use of funds) to help pay for the abortions of poor women.

With the increased use of surrogacy and IVF, children seem to have become another commodity. Wesley J. Smith discusses how The View host Sherri Shepherd (pictured right, with estranged husband Lamar Sally) has decided she wants nothing to do with the preborn child who was conceived using a donor egg and her husband’s sperm – because her marriage is falling apart. She has appealed to the judge to release her from the contract, as she has no biological connection to the baby. Smith writes:

This is the culture we are allowing to emerge. If she wanted the baby, it’s hers by right of contract.
She doesn’t want the baby? Well, it’s only a purchased product anyway.
Per an article in the Daily Mail, Shepherd has booked herself for a gospel festival on the due date. She has also admitted to having “a lot of abortions” in her past.

Stand True shares the heartwarming story of pro-life activist Brice Griffin, who kept the secret of her past abortion from her children. With the help and encouragement of pro-life leaders, she was able to release the secret and share her testimony with her children.

On their YouTube page, CitizenLink shares a video in which they counter the liberal “Does this look like a person?” meme against the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of Hobby Lobby: