by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
Life Training Institute shares an article from The Failed Atheist on the oft-heard saying regarding a pregnancy: “Just as long as it’s healthy.” Of course everyone wants a healthy baby, but what does the Christian faith say about loving those who have less than perfect health?
This is not a normal way to view ones children but part of a dehumanizing culture that has made an idol out of health and wellbeing. We have trouble understanding that someone who may be in poor health or have a disability can be happy, our assumption is that those things equal a sub-par human existence which is not necessarily true. You do not need to be a healthy human being to be a good, influential or heroic one….

Bound4Life gives an overview of Wednesday’s arguments “in the latest challenge to Texas’ so-called pro-life law of the century (passed as H.B. 2),” in which “a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard the case Whole Woman’s Health v. Lakey.” What is good is that the health risks of abortion to women is a point of discussion.
The Vine shares some pro-life updates including the proposed legislative initiatives coming out of the new Congress of 2015.
40 Days for Life lists the many January pro-life events/marches happening so that you can attend and take a stand for life.
The Guiding Star Project discusses post-partum depression from a man’s perspective.

Live Action News lauds the good work of the 18 states Guttmacher currently rates as hostile to abortion. Is your state among them (pictured right; click to enlarge)? If not, what can you do to get your state this badge of honor in 2015?
Americans United for Life is still hard at work defending the conscience rights of Americans not to be forced under Obamacare to pay for life-ending drugs and devices:
While Congressional hearings look into admitted deceptions that made possible the passage of Obamacare, too little attention is being paid to the reality that the Obama Administration is doing everything it can to force unwilling, conscientious Americans to pay for drugs and devices that can end the lives of developing human beings,” said Dr. Yoest. “As a result, AUL has filed now 24 briefs to support pro-life Americans who are victims and potential victims of governmental abuse of power against the First Amendment conscience rights of Americans.”
[Photos via pinterest.com, Guttmacher via Live Action News]
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