from Jill

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- Vital Signs finds little comfort in the US Salvation Army branch’s response to the International Salvation Army’s tolerance for abortion in the cases of rape, incest, or fetal abnormality.
- Suzy B helps to expose the DC Abortion Fund’s perpetuation of the victimization of young women as well as their support for late-term abortions:…
[O]ne of the most shocking stories from the DCAF’s report involved its
covering up of a sex crime in the case of a 19-year-old who had been
raped by her father, and was 18 weeks pregnant. She couldn’t use her Virginia Medicaid
to pay for the abortion without filing a police report, so DCAF helped
her circumvent the law by sending her into another state and funding a
small part of the abortion, effectively hiding the crime….
The DCAF in particular brags about its late-term abortions, including its work with abortionist Leroy Carhart… [and] gives priority to women coming from out of state whose babies are second-term or older.

- Star Studded Super Step finds that Facebook plays favorites when it comes to abortion. The social media giant had removed a Women on Waves graphic which provided directions on how to chemically self-abort (and lie about it to your physician), but since then, Facebook reinstated it with an apology. But when it comes to allowing photos of the results of an abortion – fuhgeddaboudit.
- TFP Student Action urges readers to sign their petition against abortion advocacy groups on at least six Catholic university campuses.
- Secular Pro-Life notices that an article on Hillary Clinton’s feminist accomplishments in the pro-choice Oregonian does not mention her unwavering support for abortion. This is odd considering the fact that Oregon is quite liberal when it comes to life issues.
- Pro-Life in TN writes that the Rocketown Youth Center outreach (founded by CCM artist Michael W. Smith) appears to be partnering with the Planned Parenthood-trained PG13 Players Peer Education program for a one-hour “dramatic presentation” on Monday, January 9. See the blog for Rocketown’s contact information.
- Wesley J. Smith recounts his near perfect record in 2011 predictions on the issues of Obamacare, IVF, assisted suicide and stem cell research.
- Right to Life of MI celebrate’s Michigan’s first public cord blood bank, who just provided their 100th lifesaving stem cell treatment to treat a young boy with leukemia. Umbilical cord blood is an excellent source for lifesaving cells from a source that was routinely thrown out.
- ProWomanProLife questions whether or not Canada’s Parliament should debate the status of children in the womb.
- Bryan Kemper lists his “top ten” pro-life New Year’s resolutions.
- Pro-Life Action League posts a video of their year in review for 2011:
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