Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)!
  • ProLifeBlogs posts a C-FAM article describing abortion proponents’ defeat at the United Nations Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development last week: 
    Along with the Holy See, Nicaragua, Chile, Russia, Honduras, Syria, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Egypt all rejected the introduction of “reproductive rights” into the Rio +20 outcome document.
  • At LifeNews, Michael New examines the progress of the pro-life movement in the 20 years since the Planned Parenthood vs. Casey decision.
  • Another reason not to socialize medicine: Big Blue Wave reports on UK infant Leon Gough (pictured left), who may have permanent brain damage because his critical brain surgery was canceled due to a doctors’ strike.
  • Coming Home describes the reasons for the Catholic Church’sFortnight for Freedom, a time of prayer for our country: 
    … [T]he Federal Government has sought to attack the Catholic Church over an issue that is central to her identity and mission, the teaching that all human life is made in the image and likeness of God from the moment of fertilization and is to be respected as such until natural death.
    Our loss of freedom is centered on the mandate by the Federal Government that we pay not only for birth control pills, some of which are known abortifacients, but that we pay for sterilizations and known abortifacient morning-after pills such as RU-486 and Ella.
  • Live Action responds to the liberal media firestorm which erupted whenFox’s Bill O’Reilly asked whether the US had become China in light of LA’s sex-selective abortion sting.
  • The Leading Edge exposes the reasons why a proposed New Zealand law to ban child abusers from procreating may initially sound like a good idea, but really isn’t.
  • Stand for Life has video of the New Abortion Caravan’s experiences traveling through Canada in an attempt to bring visual recognition to the impact of “choice”: