Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The real question in the debate should be is God sovereign....not rape

Is God in control or not.....this fabricated war on women which is the last gasp approach of the failing Democrats running for office including POTUS is ridiculous. Why this story even warrants a place on Politico shows again the media bias or ignorance...take your pick.

 Here is the offending statement from Indiana Republican candidate for the Senate who won the primary against Richard Lugar and is now facing Democratic challenger Joe Donnelly in a debate.
Richard Murdock (R)
"Mourdock was asked during the final minutes of a debate whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest.
"He replied: “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that’s something God intended to happen.”
Of course the Democrat challenger jumped on that stating his God that.... "he doesn't believe “my God, or any God, would intend that to happen.”
How many gods are there Joe??  Murdock clarified that his statement acknowledged that only God can create life. So what's the beef here?  Everyone agrees that rape is a horrible act of violence against a woman. No one is condoning or excusing the act of rape. When a woman is raped pregnancy sometimes occurs and  sometimes does not occur. 

So is God in control even during the times when horrible acts occur...yes!! So does life begin at conception.....yes!!  So is God in control.....yes!! Can God bring something beautiful out of tragedy?? Yes!!! Ask the  many babies conceived  in rape. Are their lives bet!!
Joe Donnelly (D) 

I guess the God of the challenger is impotent and just throwing up his/her hands in desperation saying oh no.....I can't do anything here!!

So is God sovereign ? I guess remembering God almost did not make the cut in the Democratic platform at their convention ..maybe not so much. Faithful Dems need to be calling our their candidate instead of trying to fan the flames of the fictional war on women. 


Soul At Conception said...

Well, there is a war of exploitation going on against women, and it is primarily to sell life killing drugs to life bearing beings. It's an atrocity worse than rape and on a massive global scale under the sheeps clothing of charitable 'women's' organizations like White Ribbon Alliance and the Susan G. Komen foundation. Families need to know the facts about birth control. That's all there is to it. This can be done through the church's but it's up to the layment to let the clergy know that we expect (demand) that (protection of our young women) of them.

Soul At Conception said...

Well, there is a war of exploitation going on against women, and it is primarily to sell life killing drugs to life bearing beings. It's an atrocity worse than rape and on a massive global scale under the sheeps clothing of charitable 'women's' organizations like White Ribbon Alliance and the Susan G. Komen foundation. Families need to know the facts about birth control. That's all there is to it. This can be done through the church's but it's up to the layment to let the clergy know that we expect (demand) that (protection of our young women) of them.

Soul At Conception said...

Well, there is a war of exploitation going on against women, and it is primarily to sell life killing drugs to life bearing beings. It's an atrocity worse than rape and on a massive global scale under the sheeps clothing of charitable 'women's' organizations like White Ribbon Alliance and the Susan G. Komen foundation. Families need to know the facts about birth control. That's all there is to it. This can be done through the church's but it's up to the layment to let the clergy know that we expect (demand) that (protection of our young women) of them.
