from Jill
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- 40 Days for Life looks back at the history of the infamous, now-closed Bryan/College Station Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. It was the site of the very first 40 Days campaign, and was also the place where former PP employee Abby Johnson experienced a pro-life conversion.
- Americans United for Life shares the latest media poll numbers which show that “a plurality of Americans prefer reducing the limit on late-term abortions from 24 weeks to 20 weeks” and that women are more supportive of greater restrictions than men.

- At Live Action, Nancy Flanders reports on Tuesday Cain
(pictured left, with her supportive pro-choice father), the young teen
who is proudly taking credit for creating a vulgar sign seen during the Texas Capitol protests which read, “Jesus isn't a d***, so keep him out of my vagina”:
Now that she has made sure to receive the credit for creating the sign, Tuesday plans on creating T-shirts to express her feelings. And while Tuesday says she knows a post-abortive woman who is now pro-life, it doesn't change her stance. She says that this woman, likely with post-abortion syndrome, is one of the reasons she will continue to fight for abortion rights.And if witnessing someone’s pain and regret at killing her own children isn't enough to instill a sense of wrong when it comes to abortion, perhaps an education will. Tuesday is fourteen and she wants to be a science teacher. It is my hope that in learning about science, Tuesday will soon see that even females in the womb deserve rights, no matter the religion of their parents.
- Fletcher Armstrong
writes a stinging rebuke of church leadership’s excuses for refusing to
address the abortion with their congregations. Many pastors have
become social activities directors instead of getting involved in
abolishing this “great injustice.” But this is nothing new:
But has the [church's] response been anything more than ineffective half-measures, at best? Is that a surprise? Not if we look at how the Body of Christ responded to genocide against Jewish people and countless other crimes against humanity. To our eternal shame, the church has often been more concerned with saving face than saving lives….The church often seems preoccupied with other matters during times of great injustice.
- Clinic Quotes highlights a statement from Drea Olmstead (pictured right), an Oregon OB/GYN who believes parents should know about their minor daughter’s abortion because “it is highly unlikely that a teenage girl will seek appropriate treatment for complications arising from secret abortion, thus endangering her health.”
- Big Blue Wave finds it strange that – thanks to a gag order on the case – a New Zealand abortionist who has been fined, suspended for six months, prohibited from prescribing the misoprostol abortion drug for 3 years, and convicted of professional misconduct will not be publicly named. How does this protect the health and safety of women? After suspension, can we expect this abortionist to continue working without having to disclose past disciplinary actions?
- Expectant father Jason
writes honestly in his blog about how he reacted with worry when he
found out his wife was pregnant with their “surprise” third child, and
how he soon discovered that “the next big thing might be the small thing
in front of you”:
I probably should have felt thrilled about bringing new life into this world from the first moment I learned the news. But the truth is, I wasn't.I suspect that is often the case any time our story changes in a way we didn't anticipate, even if that change is mostly a good one. Our stories are bursting with opportunities for adventure. I’m slowly learning that the biggest among them might be hidden within the circumstances clothed in uncertainty.