by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
The Guiding Star Project points out how “reproductive healthcare” for women is actually biased against helping women who wish to reproduce:
Let me take a pause for a moment, I am not agreeing that abortion should be considered “healthcare”, but I want to talk about other facets of healthcare for women. Why do I (and others like me) have to pay high premiums to find out why I can’t achieve a healthy and normal pregnancy?
If it is an equal right for a woman to terminate a healthy, or even an unhealthy pregnancy (for her or the baby), paid for by taxpayers or her insurance, why do I have to pay all costs trying to find out what is wrong with my body?
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition reports that Belgian euthanasia practitioner Dr. Wim Distelmans is actually organizing tours to the death camps of Auschwitz:
In a travel brochure he describes Auschwitz as an ‘inspiring’ surrounding in which to ‘clarify confusion about euthanasia’….Americans United for Life joins senators calling for a vote on the ban on abortions after 20 weeks gestation:
Linking the right to die and the Nazis is a no-no in most circles. In fact, opponents are usually deemed to have lost the argument as soon as they mention the word “Nazi”. But Dr Distelmans’s breath-taking initiative could change that rule. To hold a seminar on euthanasia in an extermination camp where the idea of ‘lives not worth living’ took its most extreme form, is peculiar, to say the least….
It is gratifying for us to see Dr Distelmans connect the dots between euthanasia in Brussels and the atrocities of Auschwitz. It confirms for us the dark future of Belgium’s legal euthanasia. It should terrify all the chronically ill and disabled who live there.
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell along with pro-life leaders, calling on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to allow a vote on legislation Senator Graham introduced, S. 1670, The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a ban on abortion at 20 weeks which will protect women’s health and unborn children from fetal pain. The Capitol Hill news conference took place on the one-year anniversary of the murder conviction of notorious abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell….
The United States is one of 4 out of 195 nations, standing with North Korea, China and Canada, allowing abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason at all, including sex selection, and sometimes with taxpayer subsidies. And under the Affordable Care Act, that could be expanding.
Live Action posts an article discussing how “Terry O’Neill (pictured above), president of the National Organization for Women, has written a column for Huffington Post, irrationally claiming that abortion is essential health care and that it actually saves the lives of babies.” Hey, great idea! Instead of improving actual medical care, let’s kill more babies before they’re born so they can’t die after they’re born. Really, Terry?
Fletcher Armstrong reports that their second visit to the University of Buffalo with the Genocide Awareness Project enjoyed the protection of free speech from the University officials who “got religion” after a federal lawsuit was filed. On the group’s first visit, officials allowed an unruly mob of “pro abortion protesters to disrupt their peaceful pro life demonstration”:
For those keeping score, this was only the second time in the history of GAP that CBR has been forced to file a lawsuit against a public university. Usually, the knowledge of our willingness to defend speech rights is enough to ensure their enforcement.At Secular Pro-Life, Clinton Wilcox discusses personhood:
My preferred definition of “person” comes from medieval philosopher Boethius, that a person is an individual substance of a rational nature. There are many things we think of when we think of persons, and various philosophers like Mary Anne Warren and Peter Singer have identified: the capacity for rational thought, the ability to express oneself through language, the ability to form concepts, etc. And of course, I have argued in the past that it’s not our present capacities that ground our personhood, but our inherent capacities. This is why the unborn qualify as persons.
It’s simply counter intuitive to refer to anything other than humans as persons. Even pro-choice writers use the terms “human” and “person” interchangeably… until they want to justify abortion. Then they suddenly want to make a distinction between the two.
[O'Neill photo via robinholland.wordpress.com]