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At Women’s Rights without Frontiers, Reggie Littlejohn reports on Lili Zeng of China, who was forced to abort her first child at nine months pregnant and watch him die in her arms. She has attempted suicide three times since this horrific event. Where is the outrage from feminists and pro-choicers?
Her experience shows that full-term babies born alive after a botched forced abortion may be left to die. Her experience also shows that a woman can be forcibly aborted up to the ninth month of pregnancy with the consent of her presumed husband. Finally, Ms. Zeng’s experience shows that – even when a woman is pregnant with her first child – if it is her husband’s second child, she can be forcibly aborted.

Pro-life Action League comments on the new California law which aims to remedy the abortion doctor shortage by allowing non-physicians (nurses, midwives, and physician assistants) to perform abortions. They must have access to a doctor in the event of complications. Perhaps abortion will now have to be “between a woman and her ‘provider of choice’.” Reminder: CA does not report their state abortion statistics.
Secular Pro-Life takes on the abortion industry’s claims that complications are rare and that abortion regulations are unnecessary:
According to the Guttmacher Institute, which strongly supports abortion, approximately 0.5% of abortion patients have a complication that requires hospitalization. That’s likely a low figure, but let’s assume that they’re right for the sake of argument. When you consider that there are well over one million abortions performed in the United States annually, the number of patients requiring hospitalization after an abortion would be over 5,000! Don’t these 5,000+ women deserve optimal care?…Good point. But the abortion industry is really concerned with their bottom line, not with safety.
[T]hink about all the government-required safeguards in place in case a school [catches] fire. There are alarm pull stations, portable and overhead fire extinguishers, emergency exit doors, fire drills, and fire lanes around the school building. Even though school fires are rare, we still plan for the worst-case scenario regardless of the chances of such an event happening.

Wesley J. Smith comments on new research that reveals how children remember words they heard prior to birth and how that relates to personhood:
Will this make the Peter Singers and the “after-birth abortion” advocates of the world back off from their dehumanization of late term fetuses and infants? Will we now look at late term abortion as the killing of a full member of the moral community?Dream on, Wesley! We can’t let evidence of cognitive function get in the way of expedient desires or utilitarian outcomes.
Pro-Life New Mexico thinks there may be a lot of attention and press surrounding Albuquerque’s expected certification of a ballot initiative to ban abortions past 20 weeks.
At National Review Online, Michael J. New discusses the findings of a new Pew research poll showing 49% of Americans find abortion “morally wrong” with only 15% of Americans deeming it “morally acceptable.” The poll also found that women were more likely than men to consider it wrong.
At Stand True, Bryan Kemper has an update on a baby (Michael, pictured below) and mother helped by faithful pro-life workers:
Earlier this year, we told you about a woman who called our office upset at our newsletter asking for donations. God softened her heart as we were on the phone and she opened up and shared with us about her plans to have an abortion. We were able to talk with her and help connect her to a wonderful counselor in her city. After meeting with this counselor she decided to keep her baby and cancelled her abortion.
She lost her job due to this pregnancy and I asked all of you to donate so we could cover her rent and car payment that month. Your generosity was touching and we were able to help her pay her bills and then the counselor was able to help find her a job.
Priests for Life’s Father Frank Pavone and Dr. Alveda King commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington by recalling some words from her uncle, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
The next thing we must be concerned about if we are to have peace on earth and good will toward men is the nonviolent affirmation of the sacredness of all human life…. When we truly believe in the sacredness of human personality, we won’t exploit people, we won’t trample over people with the iron feet of oppression, we won’t kill anybody.
[Photos via ansirh.org, sciencemag.org by Veikko Somerpuro/The University of Helsinki]